Thursday, April 20, 2017

Be Present and Pay Attention

Although, I did get my reading in yesterday, I did not get my thoughts on "paper" for you. Our movers were here loading up the truck and taking our stuff to our next home. We have been very blessed with a fairly smooth move so far. I am happy to get back to my routine today. Spend some time READING and meditating on our readings today.

Today's Gospel is found in Luke 24:35-48. In it we read Jesus showing up and revealing himself to his disciples. They were locked up in the upper room and He just appeared. Needless to say they were startled. They had already been told that He was not at the tomb. Jesus had already appeared to 2 of them and as they were recounting the encounter, Jesus shows up!

I really have no idea what the heck would be going through my mind during any of this part of history. I imagine I would have behaved much like the disciples with total shock, disbelief and worry.

I almost feel like Jesus was poking fun at them saying "why are you troubled?" Really Jesus? I know you told us what was going to happen, but this is a bit overwhelming, and oh yeah, you just appeared into a locked room.

Jesus understood they needed to see that He was actual flesh and blood an not some sort of ghost. He showed them His hands and feet and ate and drank. Then he recounted some of the lessons He spoke to them before the crucifixion. He recounted the prophesies that he fulfilled and opened up their hearts to what the scriptures held.

He knows we sometimes struggle to believe, and if we will get present, and pay attention He will reveal himself to us too!

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