Tuesday, April 4, 2017


It's another new day and a wonderful day to be alive! Take a few moments to thank God for the new day and READ and meditate on His Word.

Jesus is the Great I AM. In our Gospel (John 8:21-30) He is very clear who He is and to Whom He belongs.

We can't have it both ways, we are either for Him or against Him. If we oppose Jesus and His message, we are against God, since Jesus is from God.

Jesus is God's Word, living and breathing among the people. He was not of this World and never claimed to be. He told the Pharisees over and over again who He was. He told them the only way to God was through Him, and if they didn't believe Him now, they will realize it when He is lifted up.

He came to wash away our sins and take on our burdens and our struggles. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. If we miss that, we will remain in darkness.

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