Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Truth and Freedom

Be sure to take a look at the mass READINGS for today!

How many times have we heard "the truth will set you free"? Did you even realize that came from scripture? Our Gospel (John 8:31-42) begins with Jesus telling the Jews "If you remain in my word you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Real freedom can only come through Christ. True Joy and Peace can only be found in Him! This isn't a big secret and it is something that is offered to us freely! We just have to believe, trust and obey The Word!

Jesus is met with resistance, yet He continues preaching to the hostile people that want him in prison or dead. He continues to carry out His Father's will. He continuously lives out the message He preaches, to listen and obey The Father!

Jesus is The Way, The TRUTH, and the Life. We can only be free through Him!

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