Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Don't become complacent

As we move deeper into Holy week, let's get deeper into God's Word by READING and meditating on in in preparation for the Passion.

Today we read Matthew 25:14-25. We see a slightly different account than yesterday of Jesus calling out Judas as the one who will betray Him.

In both Gospel's (John's and Matthew's), Jesus is distressed and/or troubled as He shares with the group that one of them will betray Him.

Why would He do this? What was His end game here? He didn't just pull Judas aside and tell Him He knew what he was up to, but He also didn't say "Judas is about to betray me."

Was Jesus trying to make the disciples skeptical and turn on each other? I really don't believe that, it would be totally out of character for Him.

His statement sure got them thinking and questioning, didn't it? They didn't emphatically say, nope, not me, I know it's not me. They questioned "surely not I, Lord?"

Do you spend time really examining your heart? Do you sometimes think you are "better" than you are and can't do wrong? We know Judas commits the ultimate betrayal, but He's not the only one who betrays Jesus in the upcoming Passion, is He?

Peter was super quick to say that He would go wherever Jesus was going and would lay his life down for Jesus (John's Gospel). Peter's heart is in the right place, but I almost wonder if He got a little too complacent. When I feel super connected to Christ and things seem to be on point in my spiritual life, I sometimes get a little complacent. I stop spending the intentional time in prayer that I desperately need and slowly start to drift away from Christ. I stop praying for protection against Satan and the temptations around me.

We must continually examine our heart. We must pray for God to search us and show us where we are weak and then work on it and pray on it. We must not allow an opening for Satan to get in!

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