Friday, April 21, 2017

Deja Vu?

Happy Friday! I seriously can't believe how fast these weeks and months are flying by this year. Slow yourself, your heart and your mind down and get into the Word today. READ and meditate on our readings.

In our Gospel (John 21:1-14) Jesus reveals himself to his apostles again. This time He finds them out at the Sea of Tiberias. The men were out fishing and Jesus calls to them from the shore and tells them where to throw their nets so they will catch some fish. At this, the disciple whom Jesus loved knew it was Jesus and told Peter.

Since they weren't far from shore, some of the disciples were in the water helping with the nets, so they hopped back up into the boat to head in, but not Peter! As soon as He heard it was Jesus on the shore, he jumped out of the boat and started swimming.

When they got to shore, Jesus already had a charcoal fire going with fish and bread on it. When they saw Him there they didn't need to ask who he was because they knew. He gave them some bread and fish to eat. This meeting with them was the third time he revealed himself to the disciples after his resurrection.

Why didn't they know it was Jesus right away? Why were they out fishing? What the heck was going on?

Peter was feeling pretty dejected and lost. He decided to go fishing and the others followed him. He had been a fisherman before meeting Jesus, so that is what he knew and probably felt right to him in that moment.

The first time Jesus told Peter to put down his net was his first encounter with Jesus and it was the start of Jesus ministry. Isn't it fitting that Jesus would call Peter back into the ministry the same way?

I absolutley love Peter's reaction to hearing Jesus is on the shore. He wasn't practical or thinking at all. He just jumps in the water and starts swimming! Forget the fact he would get there faster by boat, that wasn't even on his mind. Getting to Jesus was. I think about how I feel after seeing someone I love after a long time apart. I just want to run to them and give them a huge hug. Nothing else around me seems to matter and I don't care how silly I look (even though I am not a hugger), I just want to get to them!

When we see Jesus, do we run to Him or do we hide in our own shame and guilt? When we face trials and challenges, do we try to hide from Him or seek Him out?

He is there for us, to hold us, protect us, love us and save us! Don't try to hide from Him. Chase after Him.

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