Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Your Life Depends on It

Hanging tough this lent? Keep strong and feed yourself with God's Word. Hit up our mass READINGS today!

Our Gospel is from John 8:51-59. There is a bunch in here about Jesus being "I AM" and that He existed before Abraham, but I only want to look at one small, yet hugely important statement.

Jesus flat out says "whoever keeps my word will never see death."

Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe Him? This isn't a trick question, more of a gut check. If we believe in Jesus and believe He is who He says He is, then we believe His Word, right? If we believe His Word, why don't we follow it?

We need to start taking Jesus seriously, we need to start taking our relationship with him seriously and we need to take His Word seriously, like our life depends on it, because it does!

If we don't keep His Word we will be separated from God and we will not live in eternity.

Check yourself and pay attention to the warnings that Christ gives us all throughout scripture, our life depends on it.

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