Monday, April 17, 2017

Huge News

Happy Easter! Well, Monday after Easter anyway. Our Lord is Alive! We must start acting like it. Get into His Word and READ our readings to see what He has for you today!

They were told He was going to rise up from the dead, yet they were totally shocked by it! Our Gospel is Matthew 28:8-15. It opens with Mary Magdalene and the other Mary leaving the tomb. They have some mixed emotions, to say the least. They are both overjoyed and fearful all at once.

While they were on their way back to the others, Jesus greets them. I honestly can't imagine what this must have looked like or felt like. These woman watched him die the most terrible, humiliating and painful death just three days earlier, and now He is in front of them in the Flesh!

Jesus resurrection gives us Hope. We don't need to be fearful, we need to trust. We don't need to understand, we just need to have faith. Jesus met these women where they were and He will meet you and I where we are, we must open our eyes and our hearts to see and receive Him.

The women saw the open tomb and until they were told did not understand where Jesus was, even though He had told them what would happen. He knew that they would need to see with their own eyes that He was no longer there. The empty tomb is for us! Sure, we want to see with our own eyes too, but we must have faith when we can not see.

The chief priests didn't want others knowing what happened and ordered the guard to lie. We must look past what others around us say and how they try to shape our views and understanding and look to the Truth! Get in The Word, spend time in prayer and keep your faith!

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