Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Why must the innocent suffer?

Wow, this calendar year is flying by! Today, slow down, spend some time in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our Readings for today.

We can't understand suffering, especially the suffering of innocent children. Terrible things happen in this world, unimaginable suffering takes place. We often hear and have probably asked, "where is God in all of this?" or "How can a loving God allow suffering," or possibly "How can this be part of God's plan."

Suffering isn't new! Sometimes when we read scripture we don't really see or reflect on some of what happened to the unnamed masses. Think about all the suffering that took place when Pharaoh wouldn't listen to Moses. He wasn't the only one who suffered the because of his hardened heart! Do we reflect on that enough?

In our Gospel (Matthew 2:13-18) we usually focus on the Holy family. We pay close attention to Joseph being obedient and fleeing to Egypt so the prophesies about Jesus can be fulfilled. We probably even pay a bit of attention to Herod being so angry that he had all the male children 2 years and younger killed, but how many times have you actually stopped and pondered this line? I know I haven't. Is it because I don't have children of my own? I think it is just so beyond my comprehension and we focus on the parts of scripture that feel good instead. It feels much better to be excited that Joseph fled with Jesus and He was safe than the death of innocent children.

Where is the justice in the death of these innocent bystanders? They didn't know what was happening, and had no control over it. They were not willing participants in this part of the story, however, they are not forgotten! They are called blessed and will be richly rewarded in heaven.

In the Catholic Church today is the feast day of the Holy Innocents. These children are seen as the first Martyrs for Christ.

We don't get to see the whole picture or understand the entire story. We are just called to trust. I won't pretend to understand this or know how to respond to the hard questions about the suffering of the innocent. My comfort comes from the fact that this is not our home and this life on earth is temporary. Our home is with Jesus in the Kingdom, and in the Kingdom, there is no suffering.

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