Friday, December 2, 2016

When has he not answered?

Wow, it's Friday again already! The days seem to fly by even faster as the year draws to a close. Be sure you slow down and take some time to spend with God and be in His Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today as a good way to start that process.

In our Gospel today (Matthew 9:27-31) we continue to see Jesus show Love, Mercy and Compassion through the healing of two blind men. I don't recall a time in scripture where Jesus refused to heal someone who genuinely and earnestly sought after him. I don't recall a time where he ever denied someone who put their faith and hope in Him!

He may not always answer our pleas and the cries of our heart the way we want or expect him to, but he will always answer His faithful. He will never turn us away!

When the blind men cried out for Jesus to have pity on them and to heal them, they were asked "Do you believe that I can do this?"

Do you believe Jesus can heal you? Do you believe he can heal your spiritual, emotional and physical hurts? Do you have real and true faith that He can do anything?

He wants to heal and transform us, we just need to have faith in Him and run toward him instead of from Him.

Cry out to Him, He will answer!

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