Thursday, December 22, 2016

Going "All-In" with your "yes"

We are only a few days away from celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior! As you go through the hustle of the day, be sure to spend a little time to read and reflect on God's word. READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Luke 1:46-56 contains the prayer of Mary also known as the Magnificat. In this prayer we are seeing our Mother, the Mother of God as a totally and humble servant. We see God's power alive and active in Mary.

Mary didn't just say yes, she did so with unwavering faith. Her yes was an "all in" 100% yes to to God. She didn't question her decision or act half-heartedly. Too often I find I have done this. I say yes to a task or mission, of sorts, that I have been called to or feel strongly about, but my effort isn't 100% or I find myself questioning my decision. She never did, not even in the darkest hours. 

When we say yes to God, we must go all in. We must not questions or waver. We must remain faithful and know He is faithful. We must trust and remember He has a plan for us and that he will carry us in the palm of his hand. We will struggle and we will go through challenges, but we must not give up or lose faith. 

I want my soul to always proclaim the greatness of the Lord and my spirit to always rejoice in God my savior (Luke 1:46). I want to have an "all in" faith!

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