Thursday, December 8, 2016

Changing History with a "Yes"

Have you gotten into The Word yet today? No worries, take a look at our readings from today! READ and/or LISTEN to them now.

Our Gospel today comes from Luke 1:26-38. This is one of the most important pieces of scripture in our faith! This Gospel is the announcement of the Birth of our Lord and Savior! This Gospel is also where we see Mary's fiat.

I couldn't imagine being approached by an angel, let alone an angel telling me that I would give birth to the Messiah, oh yeah, and that I would conceive that Messiah by the Holy Spirit while remaining a virgin!

This is the story of fairy tales, except that it is truth! Mary could have run in fear and hid. She could have said "no," but she didn't.

Joseph could have divorced her, he could have walked away, he could have had her killed, but he didn't.

The entire course of our history was changed in this moment! The course of history was changed with this one "yes."

What are you being called to do, yet you let fear stop you from saying "yes?" Could your fear be greater than what Mary was experiencing? Doubtful! She didn't just face fear of rejection by others, she didn't just face fearing the unknown's in life, she faced the fear of physical harm and her death by saying "yes."

We need to have a faith like Mary's, one that says "for nothing will be impossible for God." We need to say "yes" when God is clearly calling us to act! We must be open and not run in fear. How could your life be different, or the life of those around you if you said "yes" to God?

Pray for a bold faith! Pray for an obedient faith! Pray that you will answer "yes" when God calls! We have no idea how that one "yes" could change the course of our lives, or even history!

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