Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Greater Good?

Good Morning! Be sure you take a few moments to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

In our Gospel (Matthew 18:12-14), Jesus emphasizes a point by sharing a story but first asking the disciples "what is your opinion..." as he opens the story. He really wants them to think about what they would do and how they would react if they were a shepherd who had 100 sheep, but one of them was lost. Would they too not go searching everywhere for that one lost sheep?

This tugs at my heart because I picture myself being that lost sheep. My heart aches for that one that was separated from the comfort and safety of the herd and their shepherd. I can feel what it might be like to be wandering and disoriented frantically searching for my way back "home." I feel my heart pounding and my breath shortening as panic starts to set in.

I don't have sheep, but when I think I have lost my dog, or I think that there is something wrong with one of them, my heart is heavy and hurts for them. When I find them or realize that they are ok, I am so overjoyed.

I can only imagine how the shepherd would feel when he finds the lost one. I can see him leaving the 99 to go search. When it comes to individuals, the idea of "what's best for the greater good," get's tossed out the window!

A shepherd doesn't just watch over the sheep, but he will risk his life to protect them and keep them safe! When we think of a shepherd this way, how much more comforting is it to see Jesus as our Shepherd. After all, He is The Good Shepherd!

He will and has done anything he possibly can to protect us, to include His own death! When we are finally found, there is a party like no other! There is singing and rejoicing when we find our way home!

I am so thankful that Jesus will continue to pursue His people until they are found. I am thankful that He will continue to protect me and will do anything to keep me safe!

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