Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Do you need rest?

Happy Wednesday! Be sure to get in some time to READ and/or LISTEN to The Word today!

Today's Gospel (Matthew 11:28-30) is perfect for me today because Jesus talks to us about rest. It is easy to think about and talk about rest on a Sunday, but a Wednesday sometimes feels strange.

I just finished an intense 30 days of a workout program and plan to start back up again tomorrow. I am someone who doesn't ever take a full rest day. I usually do some sort of active recovery that involves yoga or stretching. Today, however, I decided that my body needs total rest from activity. My spirit needs rest as well. I have been on the go and am out of town and not on my normal "routine." This is such a perfect time to rest, if I will allow myself it and seek God for help with it.

When Jesus talks to us about rest, he is talking about our spirit and our souls. Life is darn hard here on Earth. We find ourselves running around all over the place and often torn between people, places and things! We have a hard time quieting our minds and spirit down to just be in God's presence. We feel like we can't get still and we can't just "be." 

God doesn't want us to feel all sorts of anxious and always busy. He doesn't want us jumping from one thing to the next constantly. He wants us to give him our struggles and burdens and he wants to help us through. Two are better than one, right? How much better is it when one of those is God!

True rest isn't just "vegging out" and doing nothing, it is getting deep into God's presence and allowing him to wash over you with peace and rest that can only come from Him!

Find rest somewhere, somehow in each day. Don't let the business of the world around you allow you to miss something special God has for you! Don't let the hustle of the world consume you to the point that you don't have time to be with the King of Kings!

Go to Him and find rest!

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