Monday, December 19, 2016

Get out of His way and let Him work!

It's another Monday and less than a week until Christmas! Get in The Word today and READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

So, today's Gospel reading (Luke 1:5-25) is a little longer than usual for a week day, but man is it some good stuff!

God is faithful. He is who He says He is and He fulfills His promises! I usually only reflect on the Gospel reading in my blog, but I have to tie in our old testament reading (Judges 12:2-7, 24-25A) today as well.

In both readings we read about a barren couple. In both readings, and Angel of God is sent to them to tell them they will conceive a son. In the first reading the angel appeared to Manoah's wife, and in the Gospel the angel appeared to Zechariah.

In our old testament reading we learn Sampson will be born of a barren couple and he "will begin to bring deliverance of Israel from the power of the Philistines."

In our Gospel, we learn that Zechariah and Elizabeth will give birth to a son, John, who will "turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God."

Both stories are of hope and faithfulness to God. Both of our readings show God performing a miracle and fulfilling "impossible" promises.

Sometimes it is hard to believe God will keep His promises because they seem impossible! And, truth be told, they are...for man! With God, however, all things are possible!

God hears our prayers and the cries of his righteous people. God fulfills His promises and can use anyone at anytime to be a blessing. Shoot, he took two barren couples to bring us men that would bring deliverance to their people of the day, then follows it up by bringing the Savior of the World to a Virgin!

We don't know how God will use us, but he can use anyone for great things. We must remain faithful, we must continue to cry out, we must listen and be obedient and know that God hears us. God answers us and God makes good on His promises. God can take a situation that is impossible for man and turn it into a miracle. God can take a situation that seems hopeless and turn it into something wonderful and amazing, we just have to let Him do His thing and get out of His way! We must allow Him to work and stop trying to interfere. His ways are much better than our ways!

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