Tuesday, December 27, 2016

It finally sank in!

READ and/or LISTEN to God's Word today in our Mass Readings.

Our Gospel (John 20:1a, 2-8) today talks about the empty tomb and the disciples discovering that Jesus isn't there!

Have you ever been told something over and over again, but it didn't sink in?

What was it like when you finally "got it?" Sometimes it takes seeing to believe. Sometimes it takes an experience, or sometimes it just takes time or the right explanation.

It use to drive me crazy reading scripture and seeing the disciples just not "get it" when Jesus talked about His death and resurrection. He talked about it quite a bit, yet they didn't understand. Then, when Jesus did die, I understand the mourning, but I would get so frustrated that they weren't expectantly waiting for Him to return, since He basically told them that was going to happen too!

It is easy for me to see that, but I have the benefit of reading it over and over again and having many different people preach it to me over my lifetime. I also have the benefit of the entire story and not just the parts as they are unfolding.

If I put myself in the disciples shoes, I am pretty sure I would been right where they were with what was happening around them.

Peter and John were met by Mary Magdalen and told that Jesus was no longer in the tomb and that He was taken away.

When Peter and John arrived, they saw the burial clothes and the cloth that covered Jesus head. They saw exactly what Mary saw, yet they believed. They didn't think He was taken away. The Spirit revealed to them what Jesus had been telling them all along was going to happen. They saw and believed!

I pray we always see with eyes of faith. I pray that we read and hear God's Word, and that he opens our eyes and our heart to what He wants us to understand and see!

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