Monday, December 12, 2016

Good Intentions are NOT Enough

Make sure you get your day started right by READING and/or LISTENING to God's word!

I love Jesus question in our gospel reading (Matthew 21:28-32). He is basically asking which of 2 sons is doing his fathers will. Is it the son who says no but ends up doing it anyway, or the son that says yes and fails to do what is asked?

This is not a trick question, the answer is clear. The one who did the father's will is the one that actually did what was asked. Our intentions aren't what is important, it's what we actually do. Sure, God wants us to have a great attitude and be willing and wanting to do good and then go do it, but in the end, it is better to do it than have great intentions and fail to deliver. Good intentions are not enough if there is no follow through!

Our choices matter. What we do and what we fail to do will be judged by God! If we have failed to do what God has asked of us, we can we can still come through and do his will! Allow God in. Allow Him to work in you and to change your heart in ways that only He can!

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