Friday, December 30, 2016

It is time to trust

I can't believe it's the last Friday of the calendar year, but here we are. READ and/or LISTEN to our Readings today and close out the year right.

Let's dig into our Gospel a little bit (Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23).

Ah, to have the faith and obedience of Joseph! Joseph put his plans on the back burner and followed God's. He didn't gripe, He didn't argue, He didn't question...He obeyed!

He was called to leave with Mary and Jesus. He was told to pick up His life and go to unknown places away from his work, his family and friends. He didn't understand, he didn't get to see the whole picture first, he had no idea what lay ahead! He did, however, trust God. He knew that God had a plan and was going to trust Him with his life!

Do you get too caught up in yourself and your own plans? When God is calling you to change course, do you do so without question and full obedience? What would our life look like if we actually did? What would our life look like if we followed His plans for us without the griping, arguing and complaining? What would it look like if we didn't need to know the whole story first and just simply listened and obeyed?

I pray for a more obedient and willing heart in 2017. I pray that I will hear God's voice and follow the path He lays out for me. I pray I am willing to go into places unknown because they are where I am called to be. I need to not fear but trust!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Joy and Sorrow

READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings to really get your day started right!

Wow is there a bunch going on in our Gospel (Luke 2:22-35) reading today!

It begins with us seeing Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple for consecration. Here we are reminded of the humble circumstances Jesus was born into. Mary and Joseph were poor and were only able to offer 2 pigeons instead of the customary lamb.

While at the temple they meet a man named Simeon. Their encounter with him was anything but ordinary! I am not sure how I would feel if some strange man I didn't know came over, taking my baby from my arms and then start talking over him. He wasn't just sharing all sorts of cheerfulness either!

The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that Jesus was the Messiah, the one he had been waiting for. He revealed that Jesus is salvation, He is destined for the rise and fall of many in Israel and He is going to reveal the hearts of many.

Then, during the blessing, Simeon tell Mary,"and you yourself a sword will pierce."

Joy and Sorrow. Mary was to undergo both! Fortunately for her, and for us as well, God is able to give us a supernatural Joy and strength that can help us get through sorrow. He is with us in the most challenging and difficult times in life. His strength can bring us through the deepest depths when we lean on Him. He can bring peace in places of suffering that no one should be able to endure!

Allow God in. Lean on Him. Cast your cares, anxieties and burdens on Him. He will carry you through the times that you can't bear on your own.

The Joy of the Lord can outlast any pain and suffering of this world.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Why must the innocent suffer?

Wow, this calendar year is flying by! Today, slow down, spend some time in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our Readings for today.

We can't understand suffering, especially the suffering of innocent children. Terrible things happen in this world, unimaginable suffering takes place. We often hear and have probably asked, "where is God in all of this?" or "How can a loving God allow suffering," or possibly "How can this be part of God's plan."

Suffering isn't new! Sometimes when we read scripture we don't really see or reflect on some of what happened to the unnamed masses. Think about all the suffering that took place when Pharaoh wouldn't listen to Moses. He wasn't the only one who suffered the because of his hardened heart! Do we reflect on that enough?

In our Gospel (Matthew 2:13-18) we usually focus on the Holy family. We pay close attention to Joseph being obedient and fleeing to Egypt so the prophesies about Jesus can be fulfilled. We probably even pay a bit of attention to Herod being so angry that he had all the male children 2 years and younger killed, but how many times have you actually stopped and pondered this line? I know I haven't. Is it because I don't have children of my own? I think it is just so beyond my comprehension and we focus on the parts of scripture that feel good instead. It feels much better to be excited that Joseph fled with Jesus and He was safe than the death of innocent children.

Where is the justice in the death of these innocent bystanders? They didn't know what was happening, and had no control over it. They were not willing participants in this part of the story, however, they are not forgotten! They are called blessed and will be richly rewarded in heaven.

In the Catholic Church today is the feast day of the Holy Innocents. These children are seen as the first Martyrs for Christ.

We don't get to see the whole picture or understand the entire story. We are just called to trust. I won't pretend to understand this or know how to respond to the hard questions about the suffering of the innocent. My comfort comes from the fact that this is not our home and this life on earth is temporary. Our home is with Jesus in the Kingdom, and in the Kingdom, there is no suffering.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

It finally sank in!

READ and/or LISTEN to God's Word today in our Mass Readings.

Our Gospel (John 20:1a, 2-8) today talks about the empty tomb and the disciples discovering that Jesus isn't there!

Have you ever been told something over and over again, but it didn't sink in?

What was it like when you finally "got it?" Sometimes it takes seeing to believe. Sometimes it takes an experience, or sometimes it just takes time or the right explanation.

It use to drive me crazy reading scripture and seeing the disciples just not "get it" when Jesus talked about His death and resurrection. He talked about it quite a bit, yet they didn't understand. Then, when Jesus did die, I understand the mourning, but I would get so frustrated that they weren't expectantly waiting for Him to return, since He basically told them that was going to happen too!

It is easy for me to see that, but I have the benefit of reading it over and over again and having many different people preach it to me over my lifetime. I also have the benefit of the entire story and not just the parts as they are unfolding.

If I put myself in the disciples shoes, I am pretty sure I would been right where they were with what was happening around them.

Peter and John were met by Mary Magdalen and told that Jesus was no longer in the tomb and that He was taken away.

When Peter and John arrived, they saw the burial clothes and the cloth that covered Jesus head. They saw exactly what Mary saw, yet they believed. They didn't think He was taken away. The Spirit revealed to them what Jesus had been telling them all along was going to happen. They saw and believed!

I pray we always see with eyes of faith. I pray that we read and hear God's Word, and that he opens our eyes and our heart to what He wants us to understand and see!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Endure to the End!

Emmanuel, God is with us! Let's start this new week off right and dig deep into the Word by READING and/or LISTENING to our Mass readings for today.

Jesus was clear to His disciples about what the cost of following Him would be. In our Gospel (Matthew 10:16-22) Jesus warns of the persecution that will be faced, the potential for physical harm that may await and the families and friendships that will be torn apart for His sake. 

When you want someone to do something, or go with you somewhere, do you lay out all the challenges and troubles that will come? Jesus doesn't make following Him sound very attractive, but He offers the promise to be with us through all of it.

He tells us not to worry about what we will say because His Spirit will give us the words. He also tells us of the reward to following Him!

"...but whoever endures to the end will be saved." 

When we weigh the costs, even with all the challenges we will face, the struggles we will go through, the persecution that will meet us, this is still a no brainer! The promise of eternal life trumps all! The promise of eternity with the Father is worth anything we can possibly face here on Earth! That, and don't forget, we will NOT face any of these challenges alone!

Endure to the end! Finish strong, finish well and finish the race that God has set before you! 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Obedience Through Faith

I can't believe Christmas is 2 days away! Have you prepared your heart to welcome Jesus into the world? Have you prepared your heart so He has a place to dwell? It's not too late! Start by READING and/or LISTENING to our Mass readings today!

Today's Gospel (Luke 1:57-66) is about the birth of John. When a baby is born, they must be named, right? Isn't it fun having everyone give their opinions on what you should name your child? I doubt it! I don't have children of my own, but I have seen this far too often, shoot, I have done it! I have given my opinions when asked and even when I haven't been asked about what someone should name their child.

John wasn't just any child and couldn't have just any name! The people in the town knew that His birth was something special. They knew that Elizabeth had been barren and that Zachariah hadn't spoken since he had been visited by the angel.

"But when he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary." Luke 1:22 (NABRE).

There was no doubt in the minds of Elizabeth and Zachariah that their son would be named John! They were told to name Him John and they would not waiver, regardless of what anyone said. When the people looked to Zachariah for his opinion on the name, he wrote on a tablet "John is his name."

At this act, he regained his ability to speak and spoke of the blessings of God!

The people knew that they had witnessed something incredible. They knew they had witnessed God in action and that His hand was all over this birth and this family.

When we are faithful, God will fill us with His Spirit. When we are obedient, miraculous things can happen. This story is faith in action. This story shows a faithful family given a miraculous gift from God and their obedience to do what God instructs them to with that Gift! They didn't say, "thanks God, but we are going to name Him what we want." They didn't say "thanks God, but we waited so long for a son, you understand, right? We want to keep Him a little longer before we give Him to you and your work."

They were thankful and through their faith they were obedient.

When we are moved by God, are faithful to and obedient to Him, we become filled with His Spirit! Allow His Spirit to move in and through you! Don't try to do things your own way, His ways are ALWAYS better.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Going "All-In" with your "yes"

We are only a few days away from celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior! As you go through the hustle of the day, be sure to spend a little time to read and reflect on God's word. READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Luke 1:46-56 contains the prayer of Mary also known as the Magnificat. In this prayer we are seeing our Mother, the Mother of God as a totally and humble servant. We see God's power alive and active in Mary.

Mary didn't just say yes, she did so with unwavering faith. Her yes was an "all in" 100% yes to to God. She didn't question her decision or act half-heartedly. Too often I find I have done this. I say yes to a task or mission, of sorts, that I have been called to or feel strongly about, but my effort isn't 100% or I find myself questioning my decision. She never did, not even in the darkest hours. 

When we say yes to God, we must go all in. We must not questions or waver. We must remain faithful and know He is faithful. We must trust and remember He has a plan for us and that he will carry us in the palm of his hand. We will struggle and we will go through challenges, but we must not give up or lose faith. 

I want my soul to always proclaim the greatness of the Lord and my spirit to always rejoice in God my savior (Luke 1:46). I want to have an "all in" faith!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Where are you bringing Jesus?

It's "hump day," y'all! It's also my beautiful niece's 6th birthday! Happy Birthday Alexis 💕

Let's thrive through today and not just look to get over it. Let's start by READING and/or LISTENING to God's Word.

Our Gospel is in Luke 1:39-45. Yup, we have read this recently and yup, we know this story, but what can we take from it today? What is God speaking to you today through His Word?

I have already written about and meditated on Mary's faith and courage in saying "yes" to God. I have recently shared my thoughts about her traveling to see Elizabeth in "haste." Today I want to focus on the 2 babies! Baby Jesus in Mary's womb and John the Baptist in Elizabeth's!

These babies were connected long before they were conceived. Scripture foretold about both. Scripture tells us about John being a messenger sent to tell of the coming of Jesus.

Both births were more than improbably, they were seemingly impossible! Mary was a Virgin and Elizabeth was barren, yet here they both are! When Mary enter's Elizabeth's home, just her voice stirs John in the womb and he leaps for joy. Mary physically brought Jesus to Elizabeth's home.

The Holy Spirit was already alive and well in Mary, and upon Mary entering Elizabeth's home, Elizabeth was blessed with the Spirit the moment she heard Mary's voice and John leapt inside!

Jesus lives inside us. We bring Him with us wherever we go! Through us, we can bring other's to know the joy of the Lord. Through us we can bring His faith, hope, love, compassion and mercy! We are to be His hands and feet here on Earth! Only Jesus can change hearts and minds, but we can bring Him to others!

I pray every day that He will continue to fill me so fully and completely with His Spirit that it will spill out into everything I am, everything I say and everything I do. I pray that He will lead me to where I am needed and that He will show me who I am suppose to be talking to and spending time with.

Do not keep Jesus and His Spirit to yourself, bring Him to others and share Him!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Don't look back with Regret

Great day to you! Get yourself in The Word today and READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings.

Our Gospel today is from Luke 1:26-38. We have read this and parts of this over this month already. One of the things I love most about reading scripture is that it is living and breathing. It transcends time and space! I can read the same scripture or same story many times spanning several years, but something different will jump out at me, or something new will speak to my heart! I say this because I want to encourage you to read anyway! God always has something to tell us and teach us.

In verse 28 and angel says to Mary "Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you."

What jumps out at me about this is that this greeting "greatly troubled" Mary and she had to ponder it! I don't know if I would be troubled being called favored and told that The Lord is with me, unless I understood scripture better.

I took a great study on Mary (Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother by Dr. Edward Sri). In it we see that others greeted with "The Lord is With You" include Moses and Gideon! "The expression is used in the Bible to address people God calls to crucial tasks, those in which the future of Israel is at stake and for which the appointed people are incapable, on their own, of performing."

Knowing this, Mary was probably pretty skeptical of what was about to be asked of her.

I might even feel like I was being "buttered up" for something I wasn't going to like!

Mary didn't shrink to the task asked of her. Mary shows a ridiculous amount of faith, courage and grace. She had some understanding that she was being asked to do something beyond her capacity and stepped up to the plate!

We need to show more courage like the blessed mother! We need to show more obedience like she showed. We need to stop running in fear from the things God is calling us to do. We need to start to say yes and allow Him to use us for His honor and glory.

This time of year we will see many Christmas movies. A favorite of so many is "It's a Wonderful Life." Just imagine if Mary went back and saw what would have become of the world if she didn't say yes? I don't want to wonder what could have or should have been! I want to have courage and obedience!

We don't always know when something big is going to come of our decision, but something will always happen or not happen based on everything we do or don't do. I don't ever want to look back and wonder "what could have been" if I only was obedient to God and gave Him my full effort, energy and my full YES.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Get out of His way and let Him work!

It's another Monday and less than a week until Christmas! Get in The Word today and READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

So, today's Gospel reading (Luke 1:5-25) is a little longer than usual for a week day, but man is it some good stuff!

God is faithful. He is who He says He is and He fulfills His promises! I usually only reflect on the Gospel reading in my blog, but I have to tie in our old testament reading (Judges 12:2-7, 24-25A) today as well.

In both readings we read about a barren couple. In both readings, and Angel of God is sent to them to tell them they will conceive a son. In the first reading the angel appeared to Manoah's wife, and in the Gospel the angel appeared to Zechariah.

In our old testament reading we learn Sampson will be born of a barren couple and he "will begin to bring deliverance of Israel from the power of the Philistines."

In our Gospel, we learn that Zechariah and Elizabeth will give birth to a son, John, who will "turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God."

Both stories are of hope and faithfulness to God. Both of our readings show God performing a miracle and fulfilling "impossible" promises.

Sometimes it is hard to believe God will keep His promises because they seem impossible! And, truth be told, they are...for man! With God, however, all things are possible!

God hears our prayers and the cries of his righteous people. God fulfills His promises and can use anyone at anytime to be a blessing. Shoot, he took two barren couples to bring us men that would bring deliverance to their people of the day, then follows it up by bringing the Savior of the World to a Virgin!

We don't know how God will use us, but he can use anyone for great things. We must remain faithful, we must continue to cry out, we must listen and be obedient and know that God hears us. God answers us and God makes good on His promises. God can take a situation that is impossible for man and turn it into a miracle. God can take a situation that seems hopeless and turn it into something wonderful and amazing, we just have to let Him do His thing and get out of His way! We must allow Him to work and stop trying to interfere. His ways are much better than our ways!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Who needs a lamp when there is The Light?

I don't know why, but I continue to be blown away that it is Friday already! Only a few of these left in 2016! Let's end the year strong and in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to what God has to share with us today.

Our Gospel (John 5:33-36) is a short one today, yet powerful as always.

John the Baptist had quite a following. He was a shining light and paved the way for the coming of Jesus. He preached to repent and turn to God because the Kingdom of Heaven was near.

People were willing to listen to and believe John's testimony, even though it was coming from a man. They were willing to believe John and follow him, but they didn't want to hear the testimony that was far greater than John's, the testimony that was coming from God through His power and authority. They didn't want to see Jesus for who He was and what he was testifying to.

Jesus wasn't looking to tear John down, but to explain that He is who John was preparing the way for. I love the Daily Meditation and reflection I read. It pointed out that Jesus refers to John as a lamp. A lamp can't light itself. A lamp is used to help people see in the dark and guide them through darkness. John did this, he was guiding people through the darkness and bringing them to the Light, but not on his own power. He was guiding them to Jesus. Jesus isn't just a lamp. He doesn't need to borrow power to be lit, He is The Light.

God wants to be Light to you. He wants to reveal himself to you. He tries to show you every day that He is with you, that He has plans for you and that He loves you. Don't harden your hearts and miss him. Don't be looking to follow others who are suppose to lead you to Him and then miss him! Humble yourself to God and allow His light to shine bright through the darkness.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Showing The Way

It's a new day so be sure to start it right by getting in the word! READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

In our Gospel (Luke 7:24-30), Jesus if given some pretty darn high praise to John the Baptist. John baptizes and preaches of repentance, and many people follow him and listen to his message. Jesus tells the crowds that John is greater than all prophets and that no other person born of a woman is greater than him!

John was the messenger that scripture spoke about (Malachi 3:1). He is the messenger that will prepare the way for the Messiah! He prepared the way for Jesus and pointed people to Him!

I want to live a life more like John. I don't want to care what people think about how I dress or what I eat! I want to be totally humble and obedient and point people to Jesus.  I don't want people following me, I want them to follow Jesus!

He is who he says he is!

Happy Wednesday! Take a little time at some point today and READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings.

In our Gospel (Luke 7:18b-23), John the Baptist sends two of his disciples to go ask Jesus if He is the Messiah.

No, I don't think John actually doubted, but I think He wanted his disciples to hear first hand from Jesus who He is. Jesus tells them to share with John all they had seen and heard, that is all the "proof" they would need.

Faith is a hard and tricky thing sometimes. Look at all these false prophets out there in the world today. Look at all the blind searching for something and someone who has already come! They sound so good and look so good that many think they must be good!

How do I know Jesus is who He says He is? There are others who seem to perform miracles and see into the future, right? But how many of them conquered death? How many of them gave up their lives for you?

It is so important to study and learn our bible. Too many people want to leave out the old testament, but that is where we are told what to look for! That is where we learn about who the Messiah will be. Jesus fulfilled ALL the prophesies about the Messiah. He came to fulfill the law and redeem us! He came to give and demonstrate faith, hope, love, mercy and compassion. He came to heal the sick and the lame.

Did I see all this first hand, of course not, but do I see Him doing miraculous things every day? Yes I do! Do I feel His presence and know that He is the God who heals? Do I know God more intimately because of Him? Yes, yes, yes!

"Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." ~ Hebrews 11:1 (NABRE)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Good Intentions are NOT Enough

Make sure you get your day started right by READING and/or LISTENING to God's word!

I love Jesus question in our gospel reading (Matthew 21:28-32). He is basically asking which of 2 sons is doing his fathers will. Is it the son who says no but ends up doing it anyway, or the son that says yes and fails to do what is asked?

This is not a trick question, the answer is clear. The one who did the father's will is the one that actually did what was asked. Our intentions aren't what is important, it's what we actually do. Sure, God wants us to have a great attitude and be willing and wanting to do good and then go do it, but in the end, it is better to do it than have great intentions and fail to deliver. Good intentions are not enough if there is no follow through!

Our choices matter. What we do and what we fail to do will be judged by God! If we have failed to do what God has asked of us, we can we can still come through and do his will! Allow God in. Allow Him to work in you and to change your heart in ways that only He can!

Do you have the courage to say yes?

It's a new day and a new week. Be sure to get it off to a great start by READING and/or LISTENING to our Mass readings today!

Today I want to briefly talk about the alternate Gospel Reading (Luke 1:39-47).

Until recently I had never really thought about why Mary left in haste to see Elizabeth. I had come of with several reasons, but it had never occurred to me that she was running to Elizabeth for fear of her life! Saying "yes" to God put Mary's earthly life in physical danger.

We learn so much about Mary in so few verses of scripture. In the scene prior to this one, the angel Gabriel calls Mary the favored one. In our reading today, Elizabeth calls Mary "most blessed" and calls her baby "blessed" as well.

When Mary arrives at her cousin's, Elizabeth calls Mary "the mother of my Lord" before Mary even tells her the story of what has happened. She even feels her baby (John the Baptist), leap in her womb at the very sound of Mary's voice!

Mary was handpicked and chosen for the special task. She was favored and blessed, but she still had to say yes!

Mary shows such incredible faith, hope and love for our God that she put her own feelings of comfort and safety aside. She does one of the most selfless things we see from someone other than Jesus in scripture, all the while proclaiming God's greatness. She didn't look at this as an opportunity to become great. She didn't see it as becoming the mother of the Savior of the world or the Messiah, she was simply being truly humble and obedient.

I pray for a heart like Mary's! I pray for a spirit of humility and obedience like the one she displays. I pray for the faith, hope, love and courage to say yes when I am called upon.

"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior." Luke 1:47

Friday, December 9, 2016

We Can't Please Everyone

I can't believe we are at Friday again already! These weeks seem to fly by faster and faster. Slow yourself down and make sure you spend some time in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings.

Our Gospel (Matthew 11:16-19) is a tricky one for me toady, so I went to the notes in my bible for some help (there is no shame in that by the way...we should do it more often). These notes were not super helpful to me in that they shared that the meaning of this parable is much disputed!

So, since this is my blog and my personal reflections, I will share what I see and take away from this scripture.

I see a very unsatisfied generatation. A generation that will do or say whatever they want. They can and will find something to complain about. In our scritpture we first see them say John is possessed by demons because he eats so little, then they say Jesus is a glutton and a drunkard because he is eating and drinking!

We can't and won't please all people and our message will reach everyone a little differently.

Holy smokes do I see this in the health and fitness world. If a woman is thin, the "haters" out there will either say she is too skinny or she must be anorexic. If a woman has muscle tone, the' "haters" will say she is too muscular or she looks like a dude. The worst is when those haters can't rip apart the phyique, so they will just attack and say nasty things about the woman's face or family or whatever!

We need to keep being who we are! We need to keep sharing God's Mercy, Love and Compassion regardless how it is met, just like those musicians must still continue playing their music.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Changing History with a "Yes"

Have you gotten into The Word yet today? No worries, take a look at our readings from today! READ and/or LISTEN to them now.

Our Gospel today comes from Luke 1:26-38. This is one of the most important pieces of scripture in our faith! This Gospel is the announcement of the Birth of our Lord and Savior! This Gospel is also where we see Mary's fiat.

I couldn't imagine being approached by an angel, let alone an angel telling me that I would give birth to the Messiah, oh yeah, and that I would conceive that Messiah by the Holy Spirit while remaining a virgin!

This is the story of fairy tales, except that it is truth! Mary could have run in fear and hid. She could have said "no," but she didn't.

Joseph could have divorced her, he could have walked away, he could have had her killed, but he didn't.

The entire course of our history was changed in this moment! The course of history was changed with this one "yes."

What are you being called to do, yet you let fear stop you from saying "yes?" Could your fear be greater than what Mary was experiencing? Doubtful! She didn't just face fear of rejection by others, she didn't just face fearing the unknown's in life, she faced the fear of physical harm and her death by saying "yes."

We need to have a faith like Mary's, one that says "for nothing will be impossible for God." We need to say "yes" when God is clearly calling us to act! We must be open and not run in fear. How could your life be different, or the life of those around you if you said "yes" to God?

Pray for a bold faith! Pray for an obedient faith! Pray that you will answer "yes" when God calls! We have no idea how that one "yes" could change the course of our lives, or even history!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Do you need rest?

Happy Wednesday! Be sure to get in some time to READ and/or LISTEN to The Word today!

Today's Gospel (Matthew 11:28-30) is perfect for me today because Jesus talks to us about rest. It is easy to think about and talk about rest on a Sunday, but a Wednesday sometimes feels strange.

I just finished an intense 30 days of a workout program and plan to start back up again tomorrow. I am someone who doesn't ever take a full rest day. I usually do some sort of active recovery that involves yoga or stretching. Today, however, I decided that my body needs total rest from activity. My spirit needs rest as well. I have been on the go and am out of town and not on my normal "routine." This is such a perfect time to rest, if I will allow myself it and seek God for help with it.

When Jesus talks to us about rest, he is talking about our spirit and our souls. Life is darn hard here on Earth. We find ourselves running around all over the place and often torn between people, places and things! We have a hard time quieting our minds and spirit down to just be in God's presence. We feel like we can't get still and we can't just "be." 

God doesn't want us to feel all sorts of anxious and always busy. He doesn't want us jumping from one thing to the next constantly. He wants us to give him our struggles and burdens and he wants to help us through. Two are better than one, right? How much better is it when one of those is God!

True rest isn't just "vegging out" and doing nothing, it is getting deep into God's presence and allowing him to wash over you with peace and rest that can only come from Him!

Find rest somewhere, somehow in each day. Don't let the business of the world around you allow you to miss something special God has for you! Don't let the hustle of the world consume you to the point that you don't have time to be with the King of Kings!

Go to Him and find rest!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Greater Good?

Good Morning! Be sure you take a few moments to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

In our Gospel (Matthew 18:12-14), Jesus emphasizes a point by sharing a story but first asking the disciples "what is your opinion..." as he opens the story. He really wants them to think about what they would do and how they would react if they were a shepherd who had 100 sheep, but one of them was lost. Would they too not go searching everywhere for that one lost sheep?

This tugs at my heart because I picture myself being that lost sheep. My heart aches for that one that was separated from the comfort and safety of the herd and their shepherd. I can feel what it might be like to be wandering and disoriented frantically searching for my way back "home." I feel my heart pounding and my breath shortening as panic starts to set in.

I don't have sheep, but when I think I have lost my dog, or I think that there is something wrong with one of them, my heart is heavy and hurts for them. When I find them or realize that they are ok, I am so overjoyed.

I can only imagine how the shepherd would feel when he finds the lost one. I can see him leaving the 99 to go search. When it comes to individuals, the idea of "what's best for the greater good," get's tossed out the window!

A shepherd doesn't just watch over the sheep, but he will risk his life to protect them and keep them safe! When we think of a shepherd this way, how much more comforting is it to see Jesus as our Shepherd. After all, He is The Good Shepherd!

He will and has done anything he possibly can to protect us, to include His own death! When we are finally found, there is a party like no other! There is singing and rejoicing when we find our way home!

I am so thankful that Jesus will continue to pursue His people until they are found. I am thankful that He will continue to protect me and will do anything to keep me safe!

Monday, December 5, 2016

I want friends like that!

Happy Monday! I love Monday''s a new day and a fresh start to the week. Make sure you spend a little time in The Word and  READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

In our Gospel reading from Luke 5:17-26 we read the story of friends who have great faith! They did whatever they could to get a paralyzed friend to Jesus so he could be healed. They weren't going to let a sermon stop them from approaching Jesus! They weren't going to let the crowds stop them either. They took their friend up to the roof and lowered him to get him to Jesus! They knew if they could get their paralyzed friend into Jesus presence, Jesus could heal him.

I don't know about you, but I want friends like that! I want friends willing to do anything to make sure that I get into Jesus presence. I want friends that are willing to risk looking foolish and who would go to such incredible lengths for me! I want to be the kind of friend who is willing to do that too!

Over the weekend I had some Jehovah's Witnesses come to my house. I want to have the kind of faith they do. No, I don't want their beliefs, but I want to believe in mine as strongly as they believe in theirs. They had no idea who I was, what I thought, what I might say or do at their visit. They risked rejection and who knows what else they may be met with in order to bring their beliefs to me. If they are so willing, yet we so often aren't. If they are so willing to reach out to strangers, why aren't we so willing to do this for our loved ones, our family and friends?

We are afraid of looking foolish, we are afraid of the risks, and because we don't act, we miss out on seeing miracles. These men were able to help a friend receive an incredible gift and were able to be part of a wonderful miracle.

Jesus didn't immediately heal this man's physical ailments, he said "because of your faith, your sins are forgiven." Of course this caused a stir among the Pharisees and the scribes. Only God can forgive sins!

Jesus always knows what's in our hearts and He know the scribes and Pharisees were out to try to take him down. To prove himself He asked if it was easier to forgive someone's sins or heal them? He told the paralyzed man to "rise, pick up your stretcher and go home." Which, the man did, of course!

Our spiritual health is so much more important than our physical health. If we are spiritually sick, nothing else in this world matters. Jesus showed the true power and authority God gave him by forgiving the paralyzed man's sins first. For added good measure he healed his physical ailments as well.

Do you have friends that would do anything to make sure you knew Jesus? Would you do anything to bring your friends to know Him? Allow Him to work in you and heal you of any sins and spiritual ailments you suffer. He is The Healer and The Great Physician and has the power to heal any ailments you have...bring them to Him.

Friday, December 2, 2016

When has he not answered?

Wow, it's Friday again already! The days seem to fly by even faster as the year draws to a close. Be sure you slow down and take some time to spend with God and be in His Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today as a good way to start that process.

In our Gospel today (Matthew 9:27-31) we continue to see Jesus show Love, Mercy and Compassion through the healing of two blind men. I don't recall a time in scripture where Jesus refused to heal someone who genuinely and earnestly sought after him. I don't recall a time where he ever denied someone who put their faith and hope in Him!

He may not always answer our pleas and the cries of our heart the way we want or expect him to, but he will always answer His faithful. He will never turn us away!

When the blind men cried out for Jesus to have pity on them and to heal them, they were asked "Do you believe that I can do this?"

Do you believe Jesus can heal you? Do you believe he can heal your spiritual, emotional and physical hurts? Do you have real and true faith that He can do anything?

He wants to heal and transform us, we just need to have faith in Him and run toward him instead of from Him.

Cry out to Him, He will answer!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

You Must Act

As we move into December and are nearing Christmas, continue to prepare your heart for Jesus coming by READING and/or LISTENING to God's Word.

Our Gospel today comes from Matthew 7:21, 24-27. We are being taught that not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do God's will. It's not enough to hear and understand God's Word, we must act on it! When we do this we are laying a solid foundation for ourselves.  It is as though we are building a house on rock, a foundation that won't crumble when we face adversity and the storms of this world come our way. We will be safe and secure during those storms.

Those that listen to God's word but don't act, however, are laying a foundation on sand. When trouble comes, and the storms reach this house it crumbles and falls!

There is a constant debate among Protestants and Catholics (at least among the groups I have been in) about faith and works. Yes, we are saved by our faith, but our faith is demonstrated by our works. Jesus tells us that listening and not acting will lead to our ruin!

Don't just hear, don't just have faith, it's time to ACT!