Monday, August 29, 2016

Ture Power and Might

As you begin your day and your week, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings!

In 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Paul is writing to the church in Corinth. Although, Paul was an extremely learned man, he is careful to point out to the church that while he was there with them he merely spoke and shared of Christ. He didn't use big fancy words or grand speeches, he simply shared God!

He did not go see them on his own strength and through his power, but of God's. He demonstrated God's power and might through the Spirit and not through his own ability.

We do not have the power to change peoples hearts, only God can do that. We must be obedient, we must share Him, but He is the one that does the work, we are merely instruments. We must be still and get into His presence in order for Him to use and guide us.

I think far too often people "shop" for churches based on the music or how dynamic the Pastor, or in our case, the Priest. People start to put their hope and faith in man and not God. I hate when I hear someone talk about church and the first things they talk about are the music and the pastor. Those are instruments that God uses, but if we are not talking about God and His Word, we are missing everything! I am not suggesting that good music and being dynamic and a good preacher are bad, but when that becomes the focus and not the Word of God, we are in trouble.

If we are allowing a man to tell us what we must understand from a reading and not be listening to what God wants us to hear and understand, then we are putting our stock in the wrong place!

Paul was able to speak with boldness and power because of God and God's strength, not because of any knowledge or special abilities he possessed. He shared God and God's word, not his personal interpretations. He allowed the Spirit to lead Him in what to say and how to say it!

In the Gospel we read about the beheading of John the Baptist. King Herod respected John, but feared him as well. John spoke the truth no matter what the consequences were going to be. He was a man of God and was not going to compromise the truth for anything, even if it meant his life!

John didn't tell Herod things he wanted to hear so that he would be liked, he told Herod the truth, and that troubled and scared Herod.

John was killed because he proclaimed the Word of God. John was killed because he spoke the truth and would not compromise that for anything. He was able to speak boldly and without fear through God's strength and not his own. He believed so strongly in his message that he would suffer death rather than not share it.

This happened so many years ago, and where we sit today, we don't see it happening every single day, yet it is! Christians all over the world are being killed because they won't compromise the truth. They speak boldly and will not be swayed. This is clearly on God's strength and not their own. They are so steeped in God's work, covered in His love and mercy, that they can do so without fear.

This is my constant prayer! I pray regularly that if I was faced with death, that I would not waiver from what I know to be true. I pray that nothing would keep me from proclaiming the Word of God and the truth of Jesus Christ. I pray that I don't wait until I am faced with life or death to be sharing these truths and boldly as I can!

It is time to cover yourself in God's Word and His truth. Put on His armor, prepare yourself for battle and go forward to share The Good News!

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