Thursday, August 25, 2016

7 Reasons To Complete a Fitness and Nutrition Program

I have had killer results and total body transformations with several of the Beachbody programs, but that is not the reason you should be doing and completing them. Here are my top 7 reasons that have nothing to do with the amazing results or how great you look when you are done!

1. Increased Mental and Emotional Well Being
When I began my pursuit of better heath and fitness, it was initially because I knew I needed to lose some weight, but it was also because I felt terrible about myself. I was having anxiety, some depression and was drinking too much. I felt myself starting to lose control and I didn’t like it. Working out helped clear my head while increasing endorphins and releasing extra serotonin in my brain. This was a beautiful cocktail that made me feel great!

2. Gain Confidence
While I was doing my first program I could feel myself gain confidence with each passing week. When I completed my first Beachbody program (p90x), I had a totally renewed confidence in myself. I knew that if I could do that, I could do anything I set out to. I found myself feeling better about myself and walking a little taller. This wasn’t because my body was changing, this confidence began before the physical results were even noticeable. There is something special about conquering things that are challenging.

3. Increased Discipline
Completing a program from start to finish takes an incredible amount of discipline. Each program comes with a calendar to follow, but it is up to you to actually follow it. There were MANY days I did not want to work out, or working out required me to get up at an awful hour in the morning (because I knew I couldn’t do it too late at night). There were also workouts within programs I didn’t particularly enjoy, but I did them anyway! As each program went on, I found myself being disciplined in other areas of my life as well! The discipline you gain by completing a program from start to finish will stay with you and will benefit you in many ways beyond the program!

4. Feel and Sleep Better
As my emotions were improving, my confidence was growing, and I was gaining new found discipline, I couldn’t help but feel better. Feeling better and sleeping better occurred for other reasons too. There is mounting research on the benefits of exercise on sleep, but without the science stuff, it just makes sense. You are getting your body into a routine of activity during the day. You are increasing your cardiovascular system allowing better oxygen flow which increases your ability to relax. Being happier, less stressed, increased oxygen to your system, and getting excess energy out of your body during the day is enough for me to believe that exercise leads to better sleep.

5. Supportive Community
Once I found the team Beachbody community, my fitness and nutrition elevated to a new level. Many people give up their pursuit too soon. Team Beachbody offers a community of support and accountability. When you feel like giving up too soon, you have the encouragement that may be just what you need to keep moving forward. Team Beachbody allows you to choose a coach or they assign you one. Your coach is someone who has already been successful with Beachbody programs or are just starting their journey like you. These coaches provide your support and accountability, conduct challenge groups for additional support, and can answer many questions you have or may encounter along the way. I have developed incredible friendships through this community of support that I never would have found without doing a Beachbody program!

6. Be the Example
You aren’t just setting an example for your family, but for others around you as well. I remember watching friends and acquaintances do these programs, or make good nutritional choices and it made me very aware of the things I was doing and not doing to take care of myself. When I saw others finish programs, I thought “why not me? I can do that.” When I saw friends starting to take control of their fitness and nutrition and saw all of the changes that were happening with them, it inspired me. You have the ability to do this for others. You can help change the course of someone else’s life. You have the opportunity to inspire and potentially save someones life!

7. Free Gear
I LOVE free stuff! When you complete a Beachbody program you can earn free gear! This gear is different than the shirts, shorts or socks you can purchase and are exclusively those who complete programs. All you have to do is submit your before and after photo along with your measurements and share a little bit about your journey. I wear my insanity shirt most Mondays when I am working from home. It is my reminder that I can do anything. It truly is a badge of honor and gives you a real sense of accomplishment. I know it sounds cheesy, but earning that t-shirt was added motivation for me to finish Insanity.

Adding physical activity to your life on a consistent basis will benefit you in so many ways, however, completing a set program from start to finish will benefit you even more!

*Not every program is meant for everyone, it is important to find the right fit for you. One that will push you, but not been too overwhelming that you give up. You want one that will fit into your schedule so you don’t have to shuffle around so much that you won’t do it. You need to find one that will keep you excited and looking forward to finishing it!

*If you are ready to start making positive changes in your life, LET'S CONNECT!

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