Friday, August 19, 2016

Breaking it Down

Happy Friday to you! Or happy "whatever day of the week you are seeing this." Be sure to READ or LISTEN to our readings for today.

I love when Jesus cuts to the chase and gives us the bottom line.

The Pharisees were always out trying to test Jesus and trip him up. They asked some great questions, but Jesus had greater answers!

This particular day they asked him, of all the commandments, which is the greatest?

Regardless of your biblical knowledge, it is highly likely that you know there are 10 Commandments given from God to Moses as the law. Within these 10 Commandments, we can draw just about every do or don't in life! Each one can be broken down much deeper. For example, Though "shalt not steal" encompasses taking anything that isn't yours. If you are not giving a full days work, you are stealing time and ultimately money from your employer. "Thou shalt not murder," means far more than literally killing someone. We learn in scripture that deep hatred is like killing!

Knowing that within the 10 Commandments there are so many layers, this question is wicked intense!

Jesus doesn't hesitate and answers simply and firmly in Matthew 22:37-39 (NABRE):

"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Jesus basically takes ALL the commandments and boils them down to these. The reality is that this is all we need. God gave us 10 because He knew that we would need a little more help and more clarification. The truth of the matter is, if we are truly loving God with all our heart, mind and soul, then we don't need to be told not to lie, cheat, steal, murder. We will show respect to our parents and authority.

It also struck me for the first time today that the commandments basically tell us what not to do, when in contrast, Jesus answer to the Pharisees tells what we should do! Just that psychological mind shift is huge. Instead of making the law something negative (though shalt not), he is telling us what to actually do! He is cutting the guess work and potential "loop holes" out of the picture.

How often do you make things more difficult than they need to be? There are people out there that look at the bible and say there are too many rules! If we just bottom line it, it is quite simple! Love God and Love others!

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