Friday, August 26, 2016

Are You Prepared? Do You Have Oil for Your Lamp?

Are you ready to dive into a new day? READ or LISTEN to today's readings and then we can get started!

Wow, today's Gospel is another reminder that we must always be ready because we don't know the day or hour that God is coming!

Jesus gives us a parable about 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom. As they went out to wait, half of them brought oil for their lamps, while the other half did not. The trouble came when the bridegroom was late. Those who did not have oil for their lamps ran out and had to go buy some. While they were out buying more oil, the bridegroom returned, took those who were waiting into the banquet and then closed and locked the door on the rest.

This is a similar to what we read yesterday in Matthew 24:42-51. The servants who were not ready for their master to return were going to be cast out.

We have no idea when the Lord will return, not the hour, day or year. We must always be alert and ready! Something very important happens in this story that we must not miss. While they were waiting for the bridegroom, all 10 fall asleep! This is a reminder to me that we are not perfect. We will grow weary and tired at times while we wait, but we must still be prepared. We must always have oil for our lamps!

How do we do that?

What is this oil?

Where do we get it?

There is plenty of room to discuss all the various possible symbolism of these lamps and this oil. I see this oil as Christ and his love inside us. When we are full of his love and light, we can shine brightly. When we don't have him, we are dark and others can not see the light.

In order to remain full, we must be in the word, we must spend time with Him, we must go to communion and confession, we must perform acts of charity, we must show love and mercy to others and we must continually invite Him in!

Yes, there will be times when we fall into sin, but if we are prepared, that light will shine through when it matters! When Jesus comes to wake us up, we will be ready. We will know Him and hear His voice!

God comes to us when we aren't expecting Him or looking for Him. We must slow down and see Him in all the little places in our lives. We must see Him in the lives of those around us and be aware of His presence.

More than one time in scripture Jesus tells us that the door will be closed. There will come a point where some will be left out of the Kingdom. God wants for us all to enter, but he has given us the free will to make choices. We are all invited to the banquet, yet many will choose not to attend! Will you choose to attend and will you be prepared when it's time?

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