Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Power and Authority in The Word

It's that time of your day again....be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to the readings for today!

Have you been in a situation where you heard two people give the same information, but there was just something extra special about how one of them delivered that message? It was more dynamic and even though they said the same thing, somehow it made more sense when one of them spoke? Maybe when one of them delivered the message you felt like you were the only one there and the message was being spoken just to you?

I have been in situations where I have heard the same directions given to me by two different people, yet for some reason, when one of them spoke, I felt compelled to actually get up and start doing what I was instructed to do.

When we are filled with God's Spirit and allow Him to speak through us, when we use His words and not what we hear in the world, something special and different happens with our message. It is no longer our message, but God's.

The Word of God is powerful! When we are sharing His Word while filled with His Spirit, incredible things can happen. That Word has new life, new meaning and greater depth.

In our Gospel reading, Jesus is in the synagog teaching. There is something different about his teachings. It says "they were astonished at his teachings because he spoke with authority."

There was something very different and special about Jesus speaking. Jesus wasn't necessairly teaching anything new or using new words, but He was filled with the Spirit. His words had power! His words called a demon out of a man! His words were The Word of God and when he spoke them, they had life!

This can feel a little tricky, because I have also seen speakers (and unfortunately "preachers") who seemed to speak with authority. They were gifted orators and people feel moved by what they have to say and instruct. We all have different gifts and talents, and there absolutely are those that are gifted speakers who do not speak with the power and authority of God. It is for this reason we must listen with a discerning Spirit!

Paul reminds us that we have been given the Spirit of God, not the spirit of the world. We have the ability to "scrutinize" what we hear and see with the eyes and ears of Christ.

When we read and hear God's Word with open eyes, open ears, a discerning and humble heart, we are better able to receive it! When it is truly God's Word, it will have life!

How are you approaching The Word each day? Are you merely reading it, or is it living and breathing into you? Are you receiving the Power, Authority and Life that it is trying to give you?

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