Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Are you ready for the steak?

Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings. This is the perfect way to start your day!

In our first reading Paul begins by telling the Church at Corinth that he basically has to "dumb" down his speaking. He can't talk to them the way they wish because they aren't ready. They are like babies learning to eat when it comes to their faith.

Babies have to start small with liquids and build up to solid foods. Then, once they begin solid foods, they must build up to be able to eat tougher food. I picture a nursing baby who moves up to the mushy baby food, to eventually breads and over time, a nice steak!

This is how we grow in our faith, we must start with the very basics and those must be built upon when we are ready or we will choke!

As you are learning and have grown in your faith, have you ever felt like you were given far too much at once that you weren't ready for? Have you felt like it was just too much to swallow, and if you tried, you would choke? I believe this is the essence of what Paul is sharing.

The church was not ready to truly understand the way they wanted because they were still too worldly. They were too focused on man and not God. They put too much faith and placed too much importance on their human leaders. Only God has the power to change hearts and minds. His ministers can share and teach, but ultimately only God can do the work.

Are we putting our faith in God or man? Are we looking to our spiritual leaders and not our Lord? We must not forget that our true wisdom and understanding comes from God alone. Yes, he gives us His ministers to help us learn and understand, but our true growth can only come from God. We must continue to be in the Word, we must continue to be in communion and we must continually be in communication God so that we may grow and understand more and more if what he wants of us and from us!

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