Friday, April 21, 2017

Deja Vu?

Happy Friday! I seriously can't believe how fast these weeks and months are flying by this year. Slow yourself, your heart and your mind down and get into the Word today. READ and meditate on our readings.

In our Gospel (John 21:1-14) Jesus reveals himself to his apostles again. This time He finds them out at the Sea of Tiberias. The men were out fishing and Jesus calls to them from the shore and tells them where to throw their nets so they will catch some fish. At this, the disciple whom Jesus loved knew it was Jesus and told Peter.

Since they weren't far from shore, some of the disciples were in the water helping with the nets, so they hopped back up into the boat to head in, but not Peter! As soon as He heard it was Jesus on the shore, he jumped out of the boat and started swimming.

When they got to shore, Jesus already had a charcoal fire going with fish and bread on it. When they saw Him there they didn't need to ask who he was because they knew. He gave them some bread and fish to eat. This meeting with them was the third time he revealed himself to the disciples after his resurrection.

Why didn't they know it was Jesus right away? Why were they out fishing? What the heck was going on?

Peter was feeling pretty dejected and lost. He decided to go fishing and the others followed him. He had been a fisherman before meeting Jesus, so that is what he knew and probably felt right to him in that moment.

The first time Jesus told Peter to put down his net was his first encounter with Jesus and it was the start of Jesus ministry. Isn't it fitting that Jesus would call Peter back into the ministry the same way?

I absolutley love Peter's reaction to hearing Jesus is on the shore. He wasn't practical or thinking at all. He just jumps in the water and starts swimming! Forget the fact he would get there faster by boat, that wasn't even on his mind. Getting to Jesus was. I think about how I feel after seeing someone I love after a long time apart. I just want to run to them and give them a huge hug. Nothing else around me seems to matter and I don't care how silly I look (even though I am not a hugger), I just want to get to them!

When we see Jesus, do we run to Him or do we hide in our own shame and guilt? When we face trials and challenges, do we try to hide from Him or seek Him out?

He is there for us, to hold us, protect us, love us and save us! Don't try to hide from Him. Chase after Him.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Be Present and Pay Attention

Although, I did get my reading in yesterday, I did not get my thoughts on "paper" for you. Our movers were here loading up the truck and taking our stuff to our next home. We have been very blessed with a fairly smooth move so far. I am happy to get back to my routine today. Spend some time READING and meditating on our readings today.

Today's Gospel is found in Luke 24:35-48. In it we read Jesus showing up and revealing himself to his disciples. They were locked up in the upper room and He just appeared. Needless to say they were startled. They had already been told that He was not at the tomb. Jesus had already appeared to 2 of them and as they were recounting the encounter, Jesus shows up!

I really have no idea what the heck would be going through my mind during any of this part of history. I imagine I would have behaved much like the disciples with total shock, disbelief and worry.

I almost feel like Jesus was poking fun at them saying "why are you troubled?" Really Jesus? I know you told us what was going to happen, but this is a bit overwhelming, and oh yeah, you just appeared into a locked room.

Jesus understood they needed to see that He was actual flesh and blood an not some sort of ghost. He showed them His hands and feet and ate and drank. Then he recounted some of the lessons He spoke to them before the crucifixion. He recounted the prophesies that he fulfilled and opened up their hearts to what the scriptures held.

He knows we sometimes struggle to believe, and if we will get present, and pay attention He will reveal himself to us too!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Do you see Him?

Happy Tuesday! Be sure to spend some time READING and reflecting on God's Word today!

Today we read John's Gospel (John 20:11-18) and His account of Mary Magdalene and the empty tomb.

Even thought Jesus told His followers He would rise up from the dead, I get the impression over and over again that they didn't really understand and perhaps they didn't fully believe Him.

Mary is in the tomb weeping because Jesus is not there, a very stark contrast to what we just celebrated on Sunday about Jesus not being in the tomb!

She doesn't see the empty tomb and immediately think Jesus must be alive, instead she thinks He had been taken away.

When Jesus asks her why she is weeping, she has no idea that it is Him. She assumes He is a grounds keeper. In her sorrow and grief she doesn't recognize Jesus in her midst. Sound familiar? How often do we miss Him when He is right there in front of us? How often are we so consumed by our own emotions that we don't see Him?

She wasn't expecting Jesus to be there and assumed He was just a gardener.

Again, sound familiar? How often are we not expecting Jesus presence in a situation and totally miss Him?

When Jesus spoke her name, however, she immediately knew who He was.

My Sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me. ~ John 10:27 (NABRE)

Jesus has a short exchange with Mary telling her that she must not on hold on to him so tightly becuase He hasn't ascended yet. He would be leaving and she needed to go and let the disciples know. When she found them she declared "I have seen the Lord."

She didn't just know who He was, she truly saw Him! She saw him through eyes of faith.

Have you seen the Lord? Do you look at Him through eyes of faith and have a relationship with Him?

Monday, April 17, 2017

Huge News

Happy Easter! Well, Monday after Easter anyway. Our Lord is Alive! We must start acting like it. Get into His Word and READ our readings to see what He has for you today!

They were told He was going to rise up from the dead, yet they were totally shocked by it! Our Gospel is Matthew 28:8-15. It opens with Mary Magdalene and the other Mary leaving the tomb. They have some mixed emotions, to say the least. They are both overjoyed and fearful all at once.

While they were on their way back to the others, Jesus greets them. I honestly can't imagine what this must have looked like or felt like. These woman watched him die the most terrible, humiliating and painful death just three days earlier, and now He is in front of them in the Flesh!

Jesus resurrection gives us Hope. We don't need to be fearful, we need to trust. We don't need to understand, we just need to have faith. Jesus met these women where they were and He will meet you and I where we are, we must open our eyes and our hearts to see and receive Him.

The women saw the open tomb and until they were told did not understand where Jesus was, even though He had told them what would happen. He knew that they would need to see with their own eyes that He was no longer there. The empty tomb is for us! Sure, we want to see with our own eyes too, but we must have faith when we can not see.

The chief priests didn't want others knowing what happened and ordered the guard to lie. We must look past what others around us say and how they try to shape our views and understanding and look to the Truth! Get in The Word, spend time in prayer and keep your faith!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Humble Love

As we are nearing Easter, be sure to spend time READING and meditating on God's Word to prepare your heart and mind for the Resurrection of our Lord.

Today's reading is a favorite for sure. In today's gospel (John 13:1-15) we see Jesus demonstrating total humility and love for His disciples. The first time I witnessed the washing of the feet in church it nearly took my breath away it was so beautiful!

Jesus knew His time on earth was coming to an end. He knew he was about to fulfill His mission and suffer the most painful and humiliating death, yet His heart was with His friends. He wanted to show them love and teach them at the same time.

Jesus gets down on the floor and washes the feet of His disciples. He takes their dirty and nasty smelling feet and cleans them, if that's not love, I don't know what is! He performs the task of a servant with all the grace and love in the world.

Jesus love has no limits. He knew He would be betrayed, He knew almost all of these men were going to leave Him in His final hour, but He loved them anyway, he loved them totally, completely and unconditionally!

Jesus taught how to love and serve in this scene. He told them that if He is their "master" and "teacher" and He washed their feet, they should do the same. He is not above showing love and humility, so they shouldn't be either!

On this Holy Thursday, mediate on the depths of Christ's love.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. ~ Ephesians 3:16-19 (NABRE)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Don't become complacent

As we move deeper into Holy week, let's get deeper into God's Word by READING and meditating on in in preparation for the Passion.

Today we read Matthew 25:14-25. We see a slightly different account than yesterday of Jesus calling out Judas as the one who will betray Him.

In both Gospel's (John's and Matthew's), Jesus is distressed and/or troubled as He shares with the group that one of them will betray Him.

Why would He do this? What was His end game here? He didn't just pull Judas aside and tell Him He knew what he was up to, but He also didn't say "Judas is about to betray me."

Was Jesus trying to make the disciples skeptical and turn on each other? I really don't believe that, it would be totally out of character for Him.

His statement sure got them thinking and questioning, didn't it? They didn't emphatically say, nope, not me, I know it's not me. They questioned "surely not I, Lord?"

Do you spend time really examining your heart? Do you sometimes think you are "better" than you are and can't do wrong? We know Judas commits the ultimate betrayal, but He's not the only one who betrays Jesus in the upcoming Passion, is He?

Peter was super quick to say that He would go wherever Jesus was going and would lay his life down for Jesus (John's Gospel). Peter's heart is in the right place, but I almost wonder if He got a little too complacent. When I feel super connected to Christ and things seem to be on point in my spiritual life, I sometimes get a little complacent. I stop spending the intentional time in prayer that I desperately need and slowly start to drift away from Christ. I stop praying for protection against Satan and the temptations around me.

We must continually examine our heart. We must pray for God to search us and show us where we are weak and then work on it and pray on it. We must not allow an opening for Satan to get in!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Two Acts of Betrayal

Spend some time with God today! Get into His Word by READING or mass readings today.

The first thing that jumped out at me in today's Gospel (John 13:21-33, 36-38) was that it began with Jesus being deeply troubled. Jesus knows everything that is about to play out. He knows it it His father's will, and He is still deeply troubled by it. We see this more fully when He is praying in the garden for God to "take this cup" from Him. We know how the story is going to play out and in the end Jesus wins, but sometimes we skip past the human elements of Jesus. We forget that although He is fully God, He is also fully man!

The next part that grabbed my attention is the line that Satan entered Judas. Satan prowls this earth looking for souls to devour. If He can enter into someone who literally walked with Jesus daily, how much more must we be on guard? How much more intentional and diligent must we be when it comes to our faith?

The last point I want to share is a a new thought for me that came from the meditation found at

We know Judas betrays Jesus, but we also see the foreshadowing of Peter's betrayal of Jesus. I had not every really looked at the 2 side by side before today. Satan can sure mess with things! Satan was directly in the mix with Judas's act. Judas was greedy and His heart was all sorts of twisted. He betrayed Jesus deliberately and with evil intentions.

Peter, on the other hand betrayed Jesus, but not out of evil. He was fearful! He truly loved Jesus. He truly intended to follow Jesus wherever He went, He was just too weak to do it!

Jesus knows Peter's heart and is able to show Him compassion and grace. We are gonna mess up over and over again because we are human. We must continue to seek Jesus with all our heart and remain vigilant and not allow Satan to twist and distort it.

It's time to get our hearts prepared to follow Jesus to that cross. It's time to lean on Him and His strength to carry us when we just don't feel like we can go on. This path is not easy but it will lead to life everlasting!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

What possesses your heart?

Wow, Holy Week is upon us. If you haven't been spending some serious time in God's Word, START today. If you have, continue by READING our mass readings for today.

What is your most special and prized possession? Perhaps is was something that cost a lot of money or has sentimental value, maybe it was a gift, or a combination of theses. Could you imagine parting with it for anything in the world? What about for Jesus?

Mary had an extremely valuable and extremely special bottle of perfume that she didn't hesitate to give to Jesus with all her heart and soul. She took the perfume and anointed Jesus with it. She then dried it with her hair. This was an act of extreme love and total humility!

The perfume filled the entire house with a sweet smell that was not to be outdone by the incredible love shown to Jesus by this act.

Judas's true colors and feelings were beginning to really show when got annoyed at the "wasted" perfume. To try to mask his "icky" heart he tried to say it was because if could be sold and the money given to the poor. He didn't care about the poor, or the act of love, or Jesus for that matter. He was greedy and only cared about himself and money.

Yes, that perfume could have been used to take care of the poor, but this act was far more important in the moment. Jesus was literally getting ready to die for each and every one of us. He as being anointed before His dealt. His blood is the Ostermann valuable thing in the world, surely it was worth giving up some perfume for.

I think about some of the possessions I have had that have possessed me. When we hold onto something too tightly, maybe that's what we need to consider giving up or giving away. Jesus needs to possess our entire heart! There can be no room for "stuff" of this world.

Give everything you have to the Lord to include your entire heart!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

We are just as bad as they were

Wow, another Friday is upon us! Let's take a look at our Mass READINGS today and meditate on The Word.

Our Gospel (John 10:31-42) opens with Jews trying to stone Jesus again. It seems like someone is always trying to put him in prison or kill Him since He began His public ministry.

This time they sayHe is speaking blasphemy by claiming He is who He is. Jesus always has the best come backs and arguments because He is ALWAYS right. He uses reason and logic which just annoys people more.

In this Gospel Jesus tells us that He and God are one in the same. He is in God and God is in Him.

When we don't listen to Jesus, when we don't follow His call or obey, we are acting just like the people in this Gospel. We are basically discrediting Jesus the way they were trying to.

We want the good stuff from God without doing the work. We want forgiveness with out forgiving and we want grace and mercy without giving grace and mercy.

We completely disregard and ignore what we are taught even though we know they are right and true.

We have a choice to open our eyes and our hearts to see and know Jesus. To see and know the Son of God, the Messiah, the one who came to take on all our sins so we may live!

It's time to start paying attention and listening to Jesus.

Your Life Depends on It

Hanging tough this lent? Keep strong and feed yourself with God's Word. Hit up our mass READINGS today!

Our Gospel is from John 8:51-59. There is a bunch in here about Jesus being "I AM" and that He existed before Abraham, but I only want to look at one small, yet hugely important statement.

Jesus flat out says "whoever keeps my word will never see death."

Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe Him? This isn't a trick question, more of a gut check. If we believe in Jesus and believe He is who He says He is, then we believe His Word, right? If we believe His Word, why don't we follow it?

We need to start taking Jesus seriously, we need to start taking our relationship with him seriously and we need to take His Word seriously, like our life depends on it, because it does!

If we don't keep His Word we will be separated from God and we will not live in eternity.

Check yourself and pay attention to the warnings that Christ gives us all throughout scripture, our life depends on it.

Truth and Freedom

Be sure to take a look at the mass READINGS for today!

How many times have we heard "the truth will set you free"? Did you even realize that came from scripture? Our Gospel (John 8:31-42) begins with Jesus telling the Jews "If you remain in my word you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Real freedom can only come through Christ. True Joy and Peace can only be found in Him! This isn't a big secret and it is something that is offered to us freely! We just have to believe, trust and obey The Word!

Jesus is met with resistance, yet He continues preaching to the hostile people that want him in prison or dead. He continues to carry out His Father's will. He continuously lives out the message He preaches, to listen and obey The Father!

Jesus is The Way, The TRUTH, and the Life. We can only be free through Him!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


It's another new day and a wonderful day to be alive! Take a few moments to thank God for the new day and READ and meditate on His Word.

Jesus is the Great I AM. In our Gospel (John 8:21-30) He is very clear who He is and to Whom He belongs.

We can't have it both ways, we are either for Him or against Him. If we oppose Jesus and His message, we are against God, since Jesus is from God.

Jesus is God's Word, living and breathing among the people. He was not of this World and never claimed to be. He told the Pharisees over and over again who He was. He told them the only way to God was through Him, and if they didn't believe Him now, they will realize it when He is lifted up.

He came to wash away our sins and take on our burdens and our struggles. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. If we miss that, we will remain in darkness.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Throwing stones

Happy Monday! Start the week off right and READ our daily readings for today.

Today's Gospel (John 8:1-11) may be one of the most important sections of scripture for us to pay attention to in this day in age.

A woman caught in adultery is brought to Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees. The law of Moses commands that this woman should be stoned. The scribes and Pharisees wanted to test and put Jesus in a position where they could bring him up on charges for doing something wrong or breaking the law.

I love the way Jesus manages to get out of these crazy jams without sinning or breaking laws.

Judging happens as much in the church as it does outside the church. Sadly, some of the women I know who are quickest to condemn or judge others were in my bible study! These weren't bad women, they were human women! How many of us will look down on a woman we know that cheated on her husband, maybe we don't cheat on our spouse, but we don't honor them and show them respect.

How many of us look down on a mom who's kids are misbehaving and using bad words, yet we are doing so while we are drinking away and cursing ourselves?

I do believe there are levels of sin and some are more damaging to our soul, however, Jesus was super clear here when he says "let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

We are all sinners! None of us has the right to judge or condemn anyone else for what they do. God is the only judge! He is fair and just, we are not!

This Gospel has us really looking inward and examining our own heart before we start "throwing" stones at another.