Monday, July 18, 2016

What Sign?

I am excited to share my thoughts on Today's Mass Readings (Be sure to READ or LISTEN to them when you get a chance).

I love that the Catholic Church takes readings from the old and new testaments along with psalms and sometimes the epistles to give us a more complete message each and every day. 

While I was out with my dogs this morning I kept rolling these readings over in my mind. In Micah I kept thinking of a child questioning their parents. Think back to when you were young and you broke a rule that you were well aware of.  How many times were you caught, punished, and then went on to complain about it. I bet you even went so far as to question the rule and your parents about it after the fact! Why is it that we try to justify our actions even when we know they are wrong. It's one thing to "get in trouble" for something we didn't know about, but how dare we question and complain when it is clear!

God tells us over and over all throughout scripture what we are to do and not do. He even gave us an example in Jesus. 

In Micah 6 God brings the people of Israel to trial, but instead of bringing a case against the people, he goes on in defense of himself! My people, what have I done to you? how have I wearied you? Answer me! Micah 6:3 (NABRE)

He then makes The Law clear and reiterates what is required "to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God" v.8b

In Psalms 50:16-17 God says "Why do you recite my commandments and profess my covenant with your mouth? You hate discipline; you cast my words behind you!"

How often do we do this today! We know the difference between right and wrong and can usually articulate it clearly in most cases, yet, we don't listen and hate getting in trouble for it!

In order to drive we have to pass a written and practical test. We are very aware of the laws regarding speeding, signs are posted to tell us what the limit is, yet when we get stopped for going over it, we look to blame others or try to find excuses. We get mad at the law (even though we were well aware of it) and annoyed at the law enforcement officer who stopped us. We are so wrapped up in emotions of anger and frustration that we often don't want to take responsibility or be disappointed in ourself for breaking the law.

I know these seem like such silly examples, but how true are they? 

In our Gospel today the scribes and Pharisees are asking Jesus for a sign which Jesus refuses to give. All I kept thinking about was the Movie God's not dead and how God was put on trial (I am sad to say I still haven't seen the second one, but hope to very soon). Isn't that what the scribes and Pharisees are doing to Jesus? They want more proof that he is the Son of God. It is so easy to sit here and read this passage and think they are being ridiculous and how dare they need more proof, but don't we do this all the time?

How many times in the last week alone did you question God. Maybe you questioned His very existence, or maybe you questioned His power in a specific situation. How many times have you prayed for a sign? No judgement here, I find myself doing the exact same thing these scribes and Pharisees were doing.

It's not wrong to want to see a sign, and God often gives them, the problem is when we are asking because we aren't trusting in God.

Have you blamed God for anything lately? Have you placed your trust in other people or things? Have you totally and completely forgotten everything God has done for you at times?

When we doubt, or question God, His existence or His love for us, we just need to look around us. Take a look at the miraculous things He has done in and through you! Take a look at nature and the wonder of His paintbrush! Get yourself into His Word and let it wash over you!

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, wf there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~ Philippians 4:12 (NABRE)

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