Saturday, July 23, 2016

Mirror, Mirror

In a recent Challenge Group, I was challenged to a Mirror and Beyond Challenge...."Today I am challenging you to take a picture of your reflection in the mirror (ya know, how we used to do it before selfies lol) I want you to then share that pic in the group and tell us one thing you see in that mirror that you love about yourself and one thing that goes beyond your reflection that you love about yourself (something about your personality, character, skills, heart, brains whatever)"

I thought I would share mine publicly. I challenge you to do this exercise and share it privately with someone you feel comfortable sharing with. 

I took this picture this morning. This is one where I am not in my best shape, I don't usually share those. I like to share the ones where you can see some abs popping or some crazy strong looking move so you are distracted from those areas that aren't where I like to see them physically.

In this picture I see me. Someone who isn't going to bend or change to fit into a particular mold that others want me to fit in. This is how I workout and this is how I am comfortable. I won't wear cute outfits or do my hair because that's what others think I should do. I know many people think I look like a "dude" and I don't care. I know that I am a woman, albeit, a bit of a tomboy, but still a woman. 

Initially I see the areas where I let myself go because of my nutrition. I see the extra and bloat, and am a little annoyed. I know that a little discipline and a little clean eating and I will be right back in the game, but it still frustrates me, I mean, I am human, right?

Beyond that initial reflection I first see a little girl who has struggled figuring out who she is and what she is suppose to be. I see a little girl who still sometimes feels useless and not living up to what she should become. As I move beyond that, I see someone who is starting to finally find her worth and identity and is beginning to understand those were all just Satan's lies trying to keep her from being what God intends.

Continuing to move beyond that, I see a woman who is growing into what Christ wants her to become. I see a woman who is totally transparent and will do anything for others. I see a woman who is working to be more obedient to God's call in her life and who is fiercely loyal to those she loves. I see someone who is disciplined and consistent and someone others can count on.

When we look beyond the mirror we need to stop focusing on the imperfections that we see, because they are lies. God created each and every one of us and He did so with intentionality. Who am I to say that His work isn't beautiful and perfect? How dare I question The Creator!

But who indeed are you, a human being, to talk back to God? Will what is made say to its maker, "Why have you created me so?" ~ Romand 9:20 (NABRE)

We were formed in the image and likeness of God. When we look in the mirror, shouldn't that be who and what we see staring back at us? 

If it isn't, why? Is it time to clean yourself up? Is it time to start looking more to the creator and less to the world? Is it time to stop listening to all the lies Satan wants your head filled with?

You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father's desires. H ewas a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies. ~ John 8:44 (NABRE)

What do you see in the mirror. What lies do you need to push past to see you? What lies is Satan using to try to keep you from being who God created you to be?

As face mirrors face in water, 
so the heart reflects the person.
Proverbs 27:19 (NABRE)

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