Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Weed or Wheat? What Seed Are You?

Today I will share my thoughts on the Readings from July 26th. Be sure to READ or LISTEN to them!

In today's Gospel reading the disciples specifically ask Jesus to explain to them the parable of the wheat in the field from Matthew 13:24-30.

How often do we not understand something, yet we don't ask for an explanation or clarification? Jesus teachings are not always easy to understand, and parables can be confusing. When you find yourself struggling to understand, are you stopping and getting quiet and asking God to reveal the meaning to you? Are you looking up additional resources or asking others for help? When we don't understand, it is not a sign of weakness to get help, it is a sign of wisdom and strength.

In this parable we are learning more about the final Judgement. There will be a time when we will be separated and not everyone will inherit the Kingdom of God. The children of God are the good seed (wheat) that is being sown into the world, but right along side the good seed are the weeds that are planted by Satan.

At "the end of the age", God will send out his angels to collect up His people (the wheat), and the weeds will be bundled together and throw into Hell.

God is allowing the weeds to grow right alongside the good seed, why? We must not be strangled out! We must continue to grow until God calls us home. God is very careful to tell the disciples that the bad seed must not be uprooted too soon because they may take some of the wheat with it.

We are not the ones to judge between the weeds and the wheat, the final Judgement is Gods and Gods alone! We cannot be hasty and pre judge someone. We don't know their heart, we don't know their soul, and it is not our place!

I am not much of a gardener, but I know that I always mistake the weeds from the plants.

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