Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Created for Greatness

Before we begin today, be sure to take a LOOK or LISTEN to today's readings.

Today I want to spend some time in just the first reading.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you." Jeremiah 1:5 (NABRE)

I work with many women when it comes to their physical health and fitness. They struggle so much with self doubt and feeling worthy of love, worthy to have time to themselves, worthy to take care of themselves, worthy to have good things for themselves. Too many of them are getting swallowed up in a sea of self doubt and poor self worth. They don't believe they are made for more in this world. They don't believe that God wants them to live an amazing and abundant life!

God created and formed each and every one of us and he did so for a specific purpose! Our God does not make mistakes! Before we were born we were destined for greatness! Greatness is going to look different for each of us. To me greatness is finding God's purpose and living it out to the very best of our ability.

For some, greatness is being an amazing mother who raises phenomenal children of God. For others it may be running a big business, for some it may take place in teaching. We all have different gifts and talents and desires planted in us from God. Those gifts, talents and desires are clues God is giving us in order to see our purpose. They don't always make sense to us, so we must spend time in the Word and in prayer and be obedient to God.

I was always an athlete and I liked to talk and tell stories. I have a loud voice with low tone. How the heck do these come together to help me find my purpose? How will these lead me to do God's work and answer His call in my life?

These gifts, talents and desires have finally started making sense to me the last few years. I found the perfect job for me that is a combination of health and fitness, I get to lead others in their business and in their health and fitness life. I am able to share what I do through my personal story. My health and fitness business has also given me a platform to share Jesus and the Gospel.

My athletic ability and love of sports drove me to want to get back in shape and be fit. My love for talking and storytelling allows me to share what I am doing and inspire others. My voice (that I use to hate) is such a gift because it allows me to be heard and command people's attention when they hear it!

Even when we know that God created us and he created us for a purpose, we still doubt! Jeremiah doubted! He thought he was too young and couldn't speak well enough to go where God was sending him and deliver the message God wanted delivered.

"Alas, Sovereign LORD, " I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am too young." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go to everyone I send you and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD." Jeremiah 1:6-8

When we obey God's call, he will equip us with everything we need to do His work. He will give us the words, He will show us who we are suppose to reach and where we are suppose to go. He will guide us and be with us every step of the way!

Each and every one of us matters. We are worthy! We are meant to do great things! We matter! God does not make mistakes. He created each and everyone of us for a purpose! It is time that we take care of our mind and body so we can "Go" and do what we are called to do. It is time we start listening to that call and trust in God to lead us.

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