Thursday, July 28, 2016

Where you are going matters more than where you have been!

Today I will share thoughts from the Mass Readings from 28 July 2016. Be sure you Take a LISTEN or READ them today.

Today we end a section of Scripture where Jesus shared many parables about the kingdom and the final judgment. We see over and over again that God will call his people home and He will separate the "good" from the "bad."

Until the time we are called home, we will all remain together. Is not for us to judge who is going to the kingdom and who is not. What is up to us, are the choices we make, we can choose to cry out to Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We can choose to not get dragged down in the weeds and with the bad fish. We can choose to remain steadfast and strong in God's mighty Power. We can stand firm on God's truths, His Word, and His Light. 

We don't know when that final judgment will be, and we don't know who will be called to the Kingdom. We must live our lives as children of light reflecting Christ wherever we go and to whomever we can. We have the ability to share and show Christ to others so that at that judgment they may be called up to the kingdom and not thrown into the fires of hell.

When we look back to the first reading from Jeremiah we see that we are like clay that can be molded in the hands of the potter. God takes us and molds us if we allow him to change and “fix” the parts of us that aren’t so good.

I think back to that Bill Cosby Line “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it.” Clearly he was being funny, but God literally did bring us into this world. He created us for good, but gave us free will. When His creation starts to crack or turn into something other than what he created, He can transform it into something even better and more beautiful if the clay stays malleable. If we allow, God can totally and completely transform us!

So what can we make of this last bit of the Gospel?

“Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven
is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom
both the new and the old.” Matthew 13:52 (NABRE)

There are a bunch of scholars who will share all sorts of brilliant thoughts on this with some solid theology behind it. I am going to take my own stab based on some of the various readings I looked at and the thoughts running through my brain while I meditated on this. 

Treasure and things of value were discussed in several of the parables leading up to today. We heard specifically about treasure buried in a field and of a valuable pearl. 

To me this is taking everything we have learned, everything we have studied, everything we have accumulated in the way of “things” and knowledge. We are to bring all of the old stuff as well add the new and lay it at Jesus feet. We must look at the old in light of the new and the new in light of the old. We must not forget the past but take what is important from it, learn from and grow from it! We must continually be learning new knowledge and growing. 

Most importantly, however, I think it is a reminder that it is not enough to accumulate knowledge and understanding without real application. It is not enough to know history if we don’t learn and change when it is called for. It is not enough to know the old laws if we don’t see how they fit in with the new law. 

We will be judged. We will be judged on our whole body of work! We will be laying EVERYTHING at the feet of God at the final judgement. We will be bringing our old self along with our new self. We must show up to the judgement having been molded by the potter! We must show up transformed into a new creature in order to enter the Kingdom. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Would you give up everything?

My thoughts come from today's (July 27) readings. Be sure to READ or LISTEN to the scripture for today!

Have you ever collected anything? Maybe it was/is baseball cards, stamps, coins, polish pottery, or something else. Just imagine you found that rare item that would be perfect for your collection, but it is just out of reach. You can't afford it, at least not right now. Picture sacrificing and saving until you have enough for it. Was it worth the wait, work and sacrifice? If you are a real collector, it probably was worth it!

In the two short parables today, Jesus is comparing the Kingdom of heaven to treasure found and buried in a field that you can't afford, or to a pearl that you can't afford. In both stories, the person sold everything they had to buy the field or pearl. They did it without though or hesitation. That's what the kingdom of heaven is going to be like, it will be worth more to us than anything we could possibly own. We won't bothering sacrificing and saving up for it, we will just flat out sell everything we have and go get it!

When we fully understand and grasp what God has put before us, it won't even feel like a choice and sacrifice! We will have so much joy that we will gladly give up everything for the Kingdom! What each of us has to give up to inherit the kingdom may vary! Some will have to give up unforgiving hearts, others will have to give up a love of money and things, others will have to give up cursing, jealousy, coveting, etc. Some of us have to give up several things!

Granted, we are human and will struggle at times and even feel like Jeremiah at times, in the first reading. "Woe to me, my mother, that you gave me birth! A man of strife and contention to all the land! I neither borrow nor lend yet everyone curses me." Jeremiah 16:10 (NABRE)

Are you ready to sacrifice everything for the greatest treasure in history? If not, what's holding you back? what do you need to lay at Jesus feet so you can move closer to what God so desperatly wants for you?

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Weed or Wheat? What Seed Are You?

Today I will share my thoughts on the Readings from July 26th. Be sure to READ or LISTEN to them!

In today's Gospel reading the disciples specifically ask Jesus to explain to them the parable of the wheat in the field from Matthew 13:24-30.

How often do we not understand something, yet we don't ask for an explanation or clarification? Jesus teachings are not always easy to understand, and parables can be confusing. When you find yourself struggling to understand, are you stopping and getting quiet and asking God to reveal the meaning to you? Are you looking up additional resources or asking others for help? When we don't understand, it is not a sign of weakness to get help, it is a sign of wisdom and strength.

In this parable we are learning more about the final Judgement. There will be a time when we will be separated and not everyone will inherit the Kingdom of God. The children of God are the good seed (wheat) that is being sown into the world, but right along side the good seed are the weeds that are planted by Satan.

At "the end of the age", God will send out his angels to collect up His people (the wheat), and the weeds will be bundled together and throw into Hell.

God is allowing the weeds to grow right alongside the good seed, why? We must not be strangled out! We must continue to grow until God calls us home. God is very careful to tell the disciples that the bad seed must not be uprooted too soon because they may take some of the wheat with it.

We are not the ones to judge between the weeds and the wheat, the final Judgement is Gods and Gods alone! We cannot be hasty and pre judge someone. We don't know their heart, we don't know their soul, and it is not our place!

I am not much of a gardener, but I know that I always mistake the weeds from the plants.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Put me in coach!

Today's readings can be found in 2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Psalm 126:1BC-2AB, 2CD-3, 4-5, 6; Matthew 20:20-28. Either READ or LISTEN to them today.

I don't know why, but in the Gospel I totally picture some parents when it comes to their kids at sporting events! How often do you see that mother or father go up to the coach with their children and ask that they play more or play a more prominent position?

It is not always just a matter of the kids not having enough talent, but often they didn't put in the same work and dedication. They did't practice hard enough or put in the effort needed to play more. They didn't see and understand what some others were doing behind the scenes to improve and get better.

In this Gospel a mother actually goes up to Jesus and asks for her sons to sit at the right and left of Him in His kingdom. This is far more absurd when we realize what Jesus is getting ready to go through. Jesus is way cooler than me (well, duh). I feel like I would have replied with very inappropriate and colorful language asking if the woman was serious and didn't she realize I had more important things going on than worrying about where her sons were going to fit into the Kingdom? I would probably then go on a rant of all the reasons that they didn't deserve seats of such honor!

Jesus turns to the brothers and asks them if they know what it is they are asking. Do they know what it will take? Are they able to "drink from the chalice" Jesus was about to drink? Of course they said yes, because they didn't fully grasp or understand what Jesus was getting at. He then, very politely, let them know that it is not up to Him where they fit into the Kingdom and those positions of honor are not his to give.

The story gets more comical as the other disciples overhear this exchange. Scripture says they became indignant! This simple girl looked that word up and it means "feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment."

I go back to my original image. I picture the other kids and parents getting all upset wanting to know why those 2 should get special treatment and would there be favoritism now? In true Jesus form, the ultimate Coach, he uses this as a teaching moment. He basically tells them to knock it off (without saying that) and tells them that in order to be great they will have to learn to serve. Basically, if they want to be great, they need to be willing to give up those "best" spots the way Jesus came to serve and not be served. 

Since I grew up playing competative sports, this makes me think so much about that player that wants to be the best. In order to be the best, they need to be helping others to grow and improve. In basketball, it's not enough to be the one scoring all the points, you need to be helping your teammates along the way. You need to share the ball, pass so others can score. In basketball this is an assist, but it sounds like a way to serve as well. Not only does that player get better, but the team gets stronger and in turn, the one who served improves as well. 

Is it possible I am taking this analogy too far? Maybe, but I hope it helps this passage make a little more sense if didn't before. 

As you go about your day think about ways you can serve others today!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How Do I Choose a Health and Fitness Program?

We are being bombarded with information about our health and fitness and how important they are. We know that there is a shift in this direction by the emphasis the media is placing in this area and the way grocery stores and restaurants are marketing to us. Fast Food restaurants are offering “healthier” choices. Supermarkets are enhancing their organic food selection and are offering more variety. The fitness industry is booming as well with new programs, gyms and ways to workout!

With everything out there we can become overwhelmed. Sometimes there are so many choices that instead of picking something and trying, we don’t choose anything at all.
How do you pick the right program for you?

I have done several programs and various nutrition plans over the years. Some have been fantastic, some, not so much. I have achieved success and a lot of failure. Some of the failure was my own, some of it was the unrealistic expectations of the programs and plans I followed.

When choosing a program It is important that you look at it as a whole.

1.  Is there a nutrition plan?

You can’t outwork a bad diet. Is your fitness program paired with a nutrition plan? Is it a plan that you understand and can follow? More importantly, is it a plan that you can follow long term?

2. What kind of workouts do you enjoy?

It is important that you choose a workout that you will enjoy doing. If you choose something you hate, you won’t stick with it. If you are someone who does not enjoy cardio, you don’t want to pick a program that is primarily cardio. If you don’t like lifting weights, you won’t want a program that is all weightlifting.

3.  How much time are you willing to make?

Notice this question isn’t asking how much time do you have. Most of us don’t have time in our day, but we make time for things that are important and things that matter. Your health is important and needs to matter!

Beachbody has programs that are as short as 10 minutes! Most of us can’t make an hour in our day, but we can usually find a few blocks of 10 minutes, or even a 30 minutes chunk of time. 

4.  What kind of equipment and space do you have at home and are you willing to invest in any equipment?

Space and equipment are often concerns when looking to workout from home. Programs can range from no equipment to needing bands, chin up bars, benches or needing several different dumbbells. It is important to consider what you will need in order to fully participate in the program you choose. If you don’t have the equipment needed, are you willing to invest in it? If not, you will want to look at other options.

When it comes to figuring out space, most of us don’t have gyms in our home. Most of us don’t have spare rooms to use as workout space either. When looking to do a program from home, be sure to look at the amount of space you need. Many of the Beachbody programs can be done in your living room (you may need to slide a table out of the way). I have found the majority of programs I choose need a little more space than a yoga mat in order to fully do them!

5.  Do you have injuries or medical conditions you need to work around?

I have a knee injury that limits my running and jumping. When looking at programs it is important to look at the impact they will have on your body and figure out if your body can handle it. If you are looking at a program that is higher impact, you need to figure out if you can modify moves around your injuries and still benefit from the workout. If not, you will want to look at alternatives.

Beachbody has understood this and has added someone in their workouts who is doing a modified version of the movements. Some programs even offers a split screen view so the modifier is on the screen the entire time for you to follow.

One of the advantages to Beachbody programs is their money back guarantee! If for some reason you look at all these factors and find the program you selected isn’t what you thought it would be or you don’t like it for any reason, you can return it!

A few years ago I wanted to try something other than p90x (since I had already done that). I didn’t know what to consider and I didn’t reach out to my coach for help. I was intimidated by Insanity and came across Turbo Fire. This is an incredible High Tempo workout that many of my friends had phenomenal results with. When it arrived I threw in the first video and it was not a good fit for me. In this program you need to have a little bit of rhythm or like music and keeping a beat. I found I wasn’t doing movements properly so I wasn’t benefiting from them. I am also not big on music when I workout. If I was to try that program now, at a different point in my life, it might be a different story, but for that moment, it was all wrong for me.

I gave it a few days and then called and was able to return it with no problems! I made a better selection for me at that time and “crushed” it!

It is comforting to have that 30 day money back guarantee available. It helps to ease the mind when choosing a program. It makes it ok to make a mistake.

I would love to talk to you more about finding a program and connecting you with my next challenge group! 


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Mirror, Mirror

In a recent Challenge Group, I was challenged to a Mirror and Beyond Challenge...."Today I am challenging you to take a picture of your reflection in the mirror (ya know, how we used to do it before selfies lol) I want you to then share that pic in the group and tell us one thing you see in that mirror that you love about yourself and one thing that goes beyond your reflection that you love about yourself (something about your personality, character, skills, heart, brains whatever)"

I thought I would share mine publicly. I challenge you to do this exercise and share it privately with someone you feel comfortable sharing with. 

I took this picture this morning. This is one where I am not in my best shape, I don't usually share those. I like to share the ones where you can see some abs popping or some crazy strong looking move so you are distracted from those areas that aren't where I like to see them physically.

In this picture I see me. Someone who isn't going to bend or change to fit into a particular mold that others want me to fit in. This is how I workout and this is how I am comfortable. I won't wear cute outfits or do my hair because that's what others think I should do. I know many people think I look like a "dude" and I don't care. I know that I am a woman, albeit, a bit of a tomboy, but still a woman. 

Initially I see the areas where I let myself go because of my nutrition. I see the extra and bloat, and am a little annoyed. I know that a little discipline and a little clean eating and I will be right back in the game, but it still frustrates me, I mean, I am human, right?

Beyond that initial reflection I first see a little girl who has struggled figuring out who she is and what she is suppose to be. I see a little girl who still sometimes feels useless and not living up to what she should become. As I move beyond that, I see someone who is starting to finally find her worth and identity and is beginning to understand those were all just Satan's lies trying to keep her from being what God intends.

Continuing to move beyond that, I see a woman who is growing into what Christ wants her to become. I see a woman who is totally transparent and will do anything for others. I see a woman who is working to be more obedient to God's call in her life and who is fiercely loyal to those she loves. I see someone who is disciplined and consistent and someone others can count on.

When we look beyond the mirror we need to stop focusing on the imperfections that we see, because they are lies. God created each and every one of us and He did so with intentionality. Who am I to say that His work isn't beautiful and perfect? How dare I question The Creator!

But who indeed are you, a human being, to talk back to God? Will what is made say to its maker, "Why have you created me so?" ~ Romand 9:20 (NABRE)

We were formed in the image and likeness of God. When we look in the mirror, shouldn't that be who and what we see staring back at us? 

If it isn't, why? Is it time to clean yourself up? Is it time to start looking more to the creator and less to the world? Is it time to stop listening to all the lies Satan wants your head filled with?

You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father's desires. H ewas a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies. ~ John 8:44 (NABRE)

What do you see in the mirror. What lies do you need to push past to see you? What lies is Satan using to try to keep you from being who God created you to be?

As face mirrors face in water, 
so the heart reflects the person.
Proverbs 27:19 (NABRE)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Where are the keys?

Today's READINGS are from Song of Songs 3:1-4b OR 2 Corinthians 5:14-17, Psalms 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9; and the Gospel can be found in John 20:1-2, 11-18.  Be sure to read or LISTEN today!

Have you ever lost your keys? You have that helpless feeling, you may find your heart constricting as panic sets in. Your mind is racing and you may find yourself frantically searching everywhere. You may feel helpless, hopeless and have no idea where to begin! You swear you put them in your purse, but they are gone! You have an appointment to get to and you are going to be late. You are probably angry, super frustrated and maybe even sad. You get mad at yourself, you may lash out and even blame others. Perhaps you even draw others into your search to help you find those darn keys.  

So often after searching and searching we realize the keys have been in front of us the whole time. We were just so consumed in emotion that we couldn't see them. How many times did you look into that purse? Maybe you even dumped the contents out and re put them back and still not found them? Then, either someone else looks in your purse for you, or you take a step back and come to it later when you are calmer and thinking more clearly. You discover they were there the whole time, clear as day!

These feelings, this emotion is only a fraction of what Mary Magdalen felt at the tomb. She went looking for Jesus only to see he was gone! Her heat was heavy and she was filled with such sadness that she sat there and wept. She even looked right at and talked to Jesus, but didn't see him in all her grief!

"They have taken my Lord, and I don't know where they laid him." When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus.
John 20:13b-14 (NABRE)

It took Jesus speaking her name to her heart for her to see that it was him. He stood right there in front of her and spoke to her, yet she totally missed him for a moment. 

How often in our life do we want to find God, yet we are so wrapped up in ourselves or other things around us that we totally miss Him? Sometimes we need to step back (like we did from our purse), or sometimes we need to bring in an outside view to help us look with new eyes. It is not enough to know who God is, it is not enough to believe in Jesus, we need to "see" him and have a relationship with him. We need to know Him! It's time to stop being wrapped up in things of this world and really seek God with our hearts!

Mary Magdala went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord" and what he had told her. ~ John 20:18 (NABRE)

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose!

Today's readings are found in Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Psalms 36:6-7b, 8-9, 10-11; and our Gospel is Matthew 13:10-7 or you can LISTEN to them.

In our first reading today Jeremiah is being told to go share a message with Jerusalem. The people of Jerusalem forgot everything God had done for them and they couldn't see God. They asked "where is the LORD," but they were not truly looking for or seeking him!

"When I brought you into the garden land to eat its goodly fruits, You entered and defiled my land, you made my heritage loathsome. The priests asked no, "Where is the LORD?" Those who dealt with the law knew me not: the shepherds rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied by Baal, and went after useless idols." Jeremiah 2:7-8 (NABRE)

In our Gospel reading today the the disciples ask Jesus why He speaks to the crowd in parables. In Matthew 13:14-15 Jesus replies referring to Isaiah's prophecy:

'You shall indeed hear but not understand
you shall indeed look but never see.
Gross is the heart of this people,
they will hardly hear with their ears, 
they have closed their eyes, 
lest they see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart and be
and I heal them.'

Unless we truly want to hear God and we seek Him we aren't going to hear or understand what he has to say to us.

How many times in the news do you hear someone ask "where was God when all this was happening?" God is always there, we just aren't always looking for Him. We have pushed God out of our schools and our government. We can't push him aside and then all of a sudden wonder where He is? When people are asking that question, they aren't really looking for Him, they are just making statements!

Jeremiah talked about the scribes and Pharisees missing the point. They knew the law inside and out, yet they missed God in it all. They didn't open their hearts to God and His message. 

I think about all those people I went to high school and college with who did amazing in school but struggled in the real world. They may have gotten great grades but couldn't apply anything they learned. We often refer to these people as being "book" smart. What good does all that knowledge do if you can't internalize and apply it? This is what was happening with the scribes and Pharisees in Jeremiah. 

In the Gospel reading we see much of the same. We can't just see with our eyes, we have to open up our hearts. We must contemplate and internalize what God is saying. We have to see with faith and humility or we won't get it. It is the saddest thing to see someone go to church weekly but never be changed by the message. They hear it but don't allow it to take hold of them, they don't see and understand with their heart and therefore, don't really understand. 

I binge watched the series Friday Night Lights on Netflix one month and before games the football team would shout "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." When we look to God with our eyes wide open and allow Him to fill our hearts, we can't lose. We will see what He wants us to see, hear what He wants us to hear and experience his love, mercy and grace!

Truly Seek him and you will find Him!

When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 (NABRE)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Created for Greatness

Before we begin today, be sure to take a LOOK or LISTEN to today's readings.

Today I want to spend some time in just the first reading.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you." Jeremiah 1:5 (NABRE)

I work with many women when it comes to their physical health and fitness. They struggle so much with self doubt and feeling worthy of love, worthy to have time to themselves, worthy to take care of themselves, worthy to have good things for themselves. Too many of them are getting swallowed up in a sea of self doubt and poor self worth. They don't believe they are made for more in this world. They don't believe that God wants them to live an amazing and abundant life!

God created and formed each and every one of us and he did so for a specific purpose! Our God does not make mistakes! Before we were born we were destined for greatness! Greatness is going to look different for each of us. To me greatness is finding God's purpose and living it out to the very best of our ability.

For some, greatness is being an amazing mother who raises phenomenal children of God. For others it may be running a big business, for some it may take place in teaching. We all have different gifts and talents and desires planted in us from God. Those gifts, talents and desires are clues God is giving us in order to see our purpose. They don't always make sense to us, so we must spend time in the Word and in prayer and be obedient to God.

I was always an athlete and I liked to talk and tell stories. I have a loud voice with low tone. How the heck do these come together to help me find my purpose? How will these lead me to do God's work and answer His call in my life?

These gifts, talents and desires have finally started making sense to me the last few years. I found the perfect job for me that is a combination of health and fitness, I get to lead others in their business and in their health and fitness life. I am able to share what I do through my personal story. My health and fitness business has also given me a platform to share Jesus and the Gospel.

My athletic ability and love of sports drove me to want to get back in shape and be fit. My love for talking and storytelling allows me to share what I am doing and inspire others. My voice (that I use to hate) is such a gift because it allows me to be heard and command people's attention when they hear it!

Even when we know that God created us and he created us for a purpose, we still doubt! Jeremiah doubted! He thought he was too young and couldn't speak well enough to go where God was sending him and deliver the message God wanted delivered.

"Alas, Sovereign LORD, " I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am too young." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go to everyone I send you and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD." Jeremiah 1:6-8

When we obey God's call, he will equip us with everything we need to do His work. He will give us the words, He will show us who we are suppose to reach and where we are suppose to go. He will guide us and be with us every step of the way!

Each and every one of us matters. We are worthy! We are meant to do great things! We matter! God does not make mistakes. He created each and everyone of us for a purpose! It is time that we take care of our mind and body so we can "Go" and do what we are called to do. It is time we start listening to that call and trust in God to lead us.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Who is your family?

Happy Tuesday! I am so excited to be spending another day with you. Take a look or listen to today's readings.

I'm not going to lie, the Gospel reading today has always bothered me a little bit. I mean, here we see Jesus sitting amongst a crowd, and when He is told His mother and relatives are there to see him, he appears to dismiss them.

What I am growing and learning to discover is that Jesus wasn't diminishing who they were or His relationship with them, He was building us and our relationship up! Think about the mother who has more than one child. She doesn't love one less in order to love the other more, right? In my brain, this is what Jesus is doing here. He is not minimizing His relationship with them, he is just showing an increased love for us. He is building us up, not tearing them down.

And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said,

“Here are my mother and my brothers.
For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father
is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

Matthew 12:49-50

Jesus is teaching us about so much in this short text. He is teaching us that real family is more than flesh and blood. He is telling us that the most important relationship we must have is with God. As we grow in our relationship with God, our other relationships can flourish! God is Love. God teaches us how to love. He teaches us faith, hope, mercy and grace. He teaches us about patience, integrity and compassion.

God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. 1 John 4:16b

By doing God's will we are demonstrating that we know and love God. When we know and love God we enter into relationship with Jesus. We become part of a bigger family than just our parents, siblings, cousins and so on. We enter into our eternal family!

I pray you have a blessed Tuesday and that you Go out and love God and do His will and start living the amazing and abundant life He has for you!

Monday, July 18, 2016

What Sign?

I am excited to share my thoughts on Today's Mass Readings (Be sure to READ or LISTEN to them when you get a chance).

I love that the Catholic Church takes readings from the old and new testaments along with psalms and sometimes the epistles to give us a more complete message each and every day. 

While I was out with my dogs this morning I kept rolling these readings over in my mind. In Micah I kept thinking of a child questioning their parents. Think back to when you were young and you broke a rule that you were well aware of.  How many times were you caught, punished, and then went on to complain about it. I bet you even went so far as to question the rule and your parents about it after the fact! Why is it that we try to justify our actions even when we know they are wrong. It's one thing to "get in trouble" for something we didn't know about, but how dare we question and complain when it is clear!

God tells us over and over all throughout scripture what we are to do and not do. He even gave us an example in Jesus. 

In Micah 6 God brings the people of Israel to trial, but instead of bringing a case against the people, he goes on in defense of himself! My people, what have I done to you? how have I wearied you? Answer me! Micah 6:3 (NABRE)

He then makes The Law clear and reiterates what is required "to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God" v.8b

In Psalms 50:16-17 God says "Why do you recite my commandments and profess my covenant with your mouth? You hate discipline; you cast my words behind you!"

How often do we do this today! We know the difference between right and wrong and can usually articulate it clearly in most cases, yet, we don't listen and hate getting in trouble for it!

In order to drive we have to pass a written and practical test. We are very aware of the laws regarding speeding, signs are posted to tell us what the limit is, yet when we get stopped for going over it, we look to blame others or try to find excuses. We get mad at the law (even though we were well aware of it) and annoyed at the law enforcement officer who stopped us. We are so wrapped up in emotions of anger and frustration that we often don't want to take responsibility or be disappointed in ourself for breaking the law.

I know these seem like such silly examples, but how true are they? 

In our Gospel today the scribes and Pharisees are asking Jesus for a sign which Jesus refuses to give. All I kept thinking about was the Movie God's not dead and how God was put on trial (I am sad to say I still haven't seen the second one, but hope to very soon). Isn't that what the scribes and Pharisees are doing to Jesus? They want more proof that he is the Son of God. It is so easy to sit here and read this passage and think they are being ridiculous and how dare they need more proof, but don't we do this all the time?

How many times in the last week alone did you question God. Maybe you questioned His very existence, or maybe you questioned His power in a specific situation. How many times have you prayed for a sign? No judgement here, I find myself doing the exact same thing these scribes and Pharisees were doing.

It's not wrong to want to see a sign, and God often gives them, the problem is when we are asking because we aren't trusting in God.

Have you blamed God for anything lately? Have you placed your trust in other people or things? Have you totally and completely forgotten everything God has done for you at times?

When we doubt, or question God, His existence or His love for us, we just need to look around us. Take a look at the miraculous things He has done in and through you! Take a look at nature and the wonder of His paintbrush! Get yourself into His Word and let it wash over you!

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, wf there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~ Philippians 4:12 (NABRE)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

New Beginnings

I love that every day can be a New Beginning if we choose it to be! Heck, every moment can thanks to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the Cross.

So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NABRE)

I have 2 great passions that I desperately want to share with others, The Gospel and fitness/nutrition.

As I sat at Mass today it was like God spoke directly to my heart. He knows that I have been struggling to be in The Word daily and not just be in The Word, but meditating and praying on it. I was reminded how consistent I was when I was reading daily and writing out my reflections to share with others. Sharing my thoughts was a means of accountability, a way to share the Gospel and a way for me to grow spiritually at the same time.

God made it clear to me that it's time to begin again. It's time to start sharing my thoughts and reflections on the daily readings. I am not a gifted writer, but I can break things down and simplify them. Why would anyone want to read my thoughts? I think you will because I am not a theologian or scholar, I am just like you. What I glean from the scriptures are real and practical thoughts and ideas. I will help break them down and hopefully be something you can relate to.

I am excited for this New Beginning and I pray you will join me in this Pursuit to spend more intentional, quality time in God's Word daily!